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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 4

Even after all that had happened between them, when Thursday arrived, two days after Melina threw a divorce paper at him to sign, Elijah was still in the house, hoping that this nightmare would eventually end between them.


Seven o’clock met him in the kitchen, cooking breakfast, as usual, cracking an egg open and pouring the yolk into a pan to cook.


As he stirred the scrambled eggs together, humming quietly to himself, he tried to not think about all the mean things his wife said to him and just tried to focus on the task at hand.


When the eggs were ready, Elijah scooped them onto a plate, next to the bacon, sausages,


and toast that he prepared beforehand.


Then Elijah took the plate off the counter, set it on the tray beside a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, and slowly raised the gold tray in his hand, walking carefully out of the kitchen into the dining room.


Standing by the table, Elijah placed the tray on it before grabbing the fork and knife from the cutlery drawer, setting the silverware on the table, and placing it neatly beside the tray.


At that moment, Elijah heard footsteps approaching the dining room where he was standing, and as he turned around, he saw Melina, walking into the room while rubbing her sleepy eyes, fully dressed in a lovely, knee-length, neat-fit white floral dress.


“What is this?!” Melina frowned at him as she looked at the tray and utensils sitting neatly on top of the table.


“Breakfast…” Elijah whispered nervously.


Keeping her silence, Melina pulled out a  chair and sat down, placing her hands on top of the table as she rested her chin on them and stared at Elijah suspiciously.


“Are you sure you are not trying to poison me before I divorce you, so you can take all my money?” Melina asked, still sounding very grumpy.


At first, Elijah thought she was kidding, but her tone was too serious not to believe.


Taking a deep breath and letting it out calmly, he smiled slightly at her question, and simply answered, “How could I do such a thing? Melina, I love you too much to hurt you.”


“Ha, you don’t know when to quit, do you?” Melina chuckled lightly as she shook her head.


A frown settled on Elijah’s face as he pulled out a chair and sat down across from her.


A calm atmosphere settled into the room as Melina ate the bacon, eyeing Elijah with every passing second.


“I still wanted a divorce. You are not husband material.” Melina said bluntly, taking a sip of her drink as she stared into Elijah’s eyes.


“Because I am poor, right?” Elijah asked as he raised an eyebrow, feeling an ache in his chest.


“Yes, Elijah! You are a poor guy who is constantly broke and has no job to support yourself or spend on me, and I am tired of being with a cheap guy like you!”




Wiping the single tear drop that rolled down his face, Elijah stared at his wife and then at the buzzing phone.


After answering the call, he rested it against his ear and listened to the voice on the other end of the line, “Mr. Elijah, it’s time for you to return home. Your father and mother want you back to discuss something important.”


“Tell them, I will be there tomorrow,” Elijah replied curtly, hanging up the call.


“We have a court date today for you to sign the divorce papers,” Melina reminded him as she put her fork down, looking at him expectantly. “If you don’t show up, you might get jail time, so I advise you to not make this harder than it has to be.”


Sighing deeply, Elijah said no words as he watched her eyes, finally realizing and accepting that his nightmare wouldn’t end here.


Because she was the nightmare, and until he left her, it was only going to get worse, and it was time for him to accept the reality that his life isn’t what he thought it was, and he should start to move on.


Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house, and Melina smiled, standing up as she mumbled, “That’s my ride to the courthouse.”


Confused, Elijah stood from his seat and followed her to the front door as they both walked to the entrance of their house.


Opening the door, Melina smiled at a middle-aged man, dressed in a  business suit, standing at the doorstep. He had short hair, dark brown eyes, and wore glasses.


“Honey,” Melina said sweetly, rushing into the man’s arm and kissing him on the lips as she hugged onto his body with affection.


A scoff slipped from Elijah’s mouth as he looked away, turning his attention towards the ground, unable to look at them anymore.


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