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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 41

You don’t want to die 

After a few minutes of silence and tense tension between Elijah and Madam Jewel, Peach broke the silence and nervously said, “This is not Elijah’s fault, and if you want me to apologize to 


“You don’t need to feel remorseful for saying your truth” Elijah interrupted, his voice slightly calmer compared to before 

Pinching his shirt, Peach pouted as she thought, ‘I know But if you keep provoking her like this, you might also get hurt, and it will be my fault I can’t let that happen, and I won’t let myself be responsible for it!’ 

Staring at Elijah’s body blocking Peach from her view, Madam Jewel’s gaze flickered towards Elijah and she narrowed her eyes suspiciously, thinking, ‘Is he being this defensive with Peach, so she can shield him too because of her connection with Bryan Checks. Does he know that they are dating, and that’s why he’s risking it all to gain her favor?!’ 

Raising a brow, Madam Jewel looked down on Elijah and mumbled in her head, ‘That must be it He’s way too bold and defensive of Peach to not know about her relationship with Checks. He must think that he’s invincible because he’s protecting Bryan’s girlfriend. what a loser 

A mocking laugh echoed from Madam Jewel’s lips, and she shook her head, amused at the notion of Elijah, how pathetic he was to think that he is untouchable if he’s close to Peach 

“Melina was right You are just a leech who uses women to climb society’s ladder and feed off them “Madam Jewel said in her usual harsh and sarcastic voice 

Shaking her head, she drew a deep breath, glared at Matt and then at James, turning her cold eyes on Miss Grace before focusing back on Elijah. 

“Don’t forget this day because I will make you regret it for the rest of your pathetic life, you hear me!” Madam Jewel spat angrily, her eyes flashing with hatred. 

The pame was on, and Elijah knew it he realized just how detest able this woman was, and he look none of her words lightly because he could see it in her eyes that she truly meant them, 

“I think I have found out what I came here to learn, so I will take my leave.” Madam Jewel announced in an arrogant and haughty voice 

With that she turned her heels and walked away from Elijah and Peach, leaving the lobby and everyone, except Elijah in a state of shock. 

No one said much for a couple of seconds until Elijah and Miss Grace’s eyes locked and she let out humbly, “You shouldn’t have done that, Elijah… You guys should travel… leave here before the situation turns ugly…” 

“Mama,” Peach cried without thinking, only feeling a sense of grief about Elijah leaving 

Giving her daughter a harsh stare, Miss Grace sighed, put her frustration, and uttered, “You know how ruthless that woman is! How could you make such a reckless remark, Peach!?” 

With a pouty face, Peach lowered her head and said nothing. She felt wronged because her mother knew that the more to her grandfather’s death… how everything played out after he passed was suspicious and unfair! 

“My time in this place is barely beginning, and now, you want me to leave?” Elijah said with a raised eyebrow, his tone calm. 

“If I had the money to refund you, within a heartbeat, I would. But I don’t… Still, I am begging you for your safety, you and your friends should leave before things get worse.” Miss Grace pleaded in tears. 

Seeing Miss Grace in front of him like that caused something in Elijah to snap from his emotions, and he turned away from Miss Grace and walked off, wanting to give himself a minute to clear his mind and gather his thoughts. 

When Elijah got to his room, he walked over to his closet, and after opening it, he was about to reach into the top shelf when a knock on the door made him pause. He stood still with his arm stretched above his head while listening carefully and then heard Peach’s voice, “Hey, can you open up?” 

Drawing a breath, he took a moment to compose himself and then turned around, heading for his door 

When Elijah opened it, standing in the doorway, his gaze met hers, making him pause for a second or two before greeting her with a small smile. 

“Can I come in?” Peach said nervously, looking down at her feet. 

“Of course,” Elijah replied as he stepped aside to let her inside. 

The moment she walked in and saw his closet open her heart dropped as she thought, ‘He’s 1 really following my mother’s advice and leaving the motel.’ 

After shutting the door behind him, Elijah leaned against the wall next to it, watching Peach curiously “Why do you look like you are about to cry?” Elijah asked, his expression neutral, but the concern was obvious in his voice. 

Not saying a word, she looked hesitantly into his eyes, fighting her urge to sob as she thought, Mom is right. His safety is at risk, and he must go somewhere far away. But I don’t want him to go! It hurts to watch him leave, even though I’m aware of what is going to happen.’ 

Seeing a loose tear roll down her cheek, Elijah pulled away from the wall and approached Peach slowly as she closed her eyes tightly and tried to hold her tears. 

his palms touched her cheeks, wiping a couple of stray tears away, and he said, “Hey, hey,” 

Hearing Elijah’s voice made her open her eyes, staring up into his eyes, and she swallowed hard Her eyes were red from holding back her tears, but she didn’t try to hide them anymore as she gazed at him 

As his thumbs brushed against the soft skin of her cheeks, his hands went lower, and he held both her face, forcing her to meet his eyes again 

His thumbs caressing her cheeks, Elijah spoke gently, “What happened, Peach? Are you okay?” Shaking her head slowly, she choked on her sob, knowing if she spoke she would start bawling her eyes out, which wasn’t what she wanted to do 

Ian going to miss you,’ Peach thought sadly, ‘I am going to miss you so much, Elijah. But 

what am I supposed to say? It would be sellish to ask you to stay because of me 

“What’s bothering you?” Elijah asked worriedly, noticing her expression Raising her hand to his face, Peach placed it on his cheek softly, and Elijah leaned into her touch as she smiled weakly at him and caressed his cheekbone with her thumb, feeling his warm skin under her fingertips. 

‘We might not see each other again, so this is okay, right?’ Peach thought, gazing at his lips Slowly, her heels lifted to balance the weight of her body on her toes and brought herself closer to him, causing Elijah to raise a brow 

Looking directly into his eyes, she tilted her head slightly and whispered lowly, “Will you kiss 


Even though he didn’t know what was going on in her head or why her mood had suddenly changed, Elijah could feel that something was troubling her, and his heart ached to see her sad, so he didn’t hesitate at all, leaning forward and capturing her lips with his. 

Elijah wrapped his arms around Peach’s waist, pulling her close to him and deepening their kiss 

Feeling the warmth emitting from his body, Peach moaned softly, and the sound sent shivers through her entire body, making her feel warm 

Her hands ran through his hair lovingly and gently as their lips moved in sync, creating a sensation of euphoria and pleasure in the pit of her stomach. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her as Elijah tasted her lips 



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