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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 44

Make him regret crossing me

Eyeing Elijah, Peach wanted so desperately to read his thoughts because his expression was completely blank; there was no emotion evident on liis face. Nervous and uneasy, Peaclı reached for the glass of cosmopolitan cocktail, lifted it to her lips, and drank the entire thing down without hesitation. 

And as soon as the liquor entered her mouth, she felt hot liquid fill her throat, and she could taste the vodka, and immediately, she started coughing violently, clutching her throat as she felt the burning sensation. 

Instantly, Elijah stood up from his seat and placed his palm on her back to rub it soothingly,” Hey, hey, Peach, relax. Deep breaths. Take slow, steady breaths.” 

Once Peach stopped coughing, her chest heaved with heavy breaths, and her hand clutched onto Elijah’s arm to keep her balance. 

After waiting for her to finally regain control of herself and settle down a bit, Elijah mumbled, “You good?” 

Peach simply nodded her head in reply while wiping a few stray tears away with the back of her hand. 

A scoff left Jessica’s lips as she narrowed her eyes and said snidely, “Elijah, can we talk somewhere that is not here? I think what I have to offer is worth way more than this pathetic excuse of an act.” 

A warm feeling spread through Peach as a sense of dizziness and fatigue hit her hard, and she felt the urge to lean into Elijah and rest her head on his shoulder, and just like that she found herself leaning against him, her head resting comfortably on his arm. 

“Hey, little buddy…” Elijah whispered as he wrapped his hand around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him, allowing her to lean against his chest. “Do you even drink?” 

“No,” Peach giggled softly as the alcohol buzzed inside of her, “I have never… never drink… Today is my first! A grin formed on Elijah’s face as he chuckled lightly and rubbed her back gently, “Yeah, I figured.” Suddenly, Peach raised her head, looking into Elijah’s eyes, pouted cutely, and mumbled,” Why am I giving all my first to you and doing it with you…” 

Hearing those words, Jessica’s mouth lightly hung open, and she stared at Peach with bulging eyes full of disbelief. 

‘How naive can you get?’ Elijah thought, looking into Peach’s eyes, unable to help the small smile that appeared on his face. 

As if reading Elijah’s mind, Peach began to giggle again and leaned her head back against his chest, her eyes closed contentedly. ‘She’s adorable…’ Elijah thought as he watched her, still holding her tightly. A sneer tugged at the corner of Jessica’s lips, and she glared daggers at him before scowling at Peach instead, clearly upset that she had been ignored. 

“Hey… I told you I am not carrying you out of here,” Elijah whispered, trying to hold back the laughter that was threatening to escape his lips. “We just got here, and you are already drunk. Wake up…” “Haha, the media was right, you are screwing your ex-wife’s cousin!” Jessica said, her voice suddenly changing and becoming harsh, her tone full of disgust. “My friend was right when she complained to me about you cheating on her with her cousin!” Immediately, stares from everyone present turned to look at them, and Elijah frowned deeply, tightening his grip on Peach, and glaring at Jessica. Soon people started taking out their phones and cameras to record, and Elijah knew that this was going to be bad. 

“You’re a piece of shit,” Jessie spat as she glared at him. “Why did you hurt Melina like that, huh? Huh?! Why the hell do you care about someone else more than you cared about her when she was your wife?” 

Slowly, opening her eyes to glare at Jessica, Peach muttered through clenched teeth, “Why is she so damn loud?” 

The alcohol had its grip on Peach’s brain, and everything was starting to spin, making her feel extremely dizzy. 

And yet Peach forcefully pulled away from Elijah’s arm, and slowly stood up, swaying side to side a little, her vision blurred, but she managed to look into Jessica’s eyes and said, “Are you done flirting with your best friend Ex, Jessica? Because that is over and done now… stop talking. It’s irritating.” 

Looking around at the people watching them, Jessica grew embarrassed and snickered awkwardly, muttering, “What are you talking about? I never-” 

“Oh… you didn’t say to him, ‘Damn, I can not believe… umm… Melina thought you were worth just two million, with that face and body… to me, you are a lot more desirable than a million dollars,” Peach cut in sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. “Is that how you talk to your best friend’s ex-husband?” 

A silent laugh remained stuck in Elijah’s throat, and he tried to contain it while keeping his gaze locked on Jessica’s pale face.” 

“You… you bitch!” Jessica shouted, standing up angrily as her fists balled by her sides. 

“I guess the truth does hurt… and that’s why they call it being brutally honest,” Peach stated coldly. 

Whispering for people around them grew in the bar, and Jessica couldn’t help noticing everyone’s eyes fixated on her, and that made her feel even more embarrassed and self conscious. 

“Shut up!” Jessie yelled angrily. 

“Make me,” Peach smirked, tilting her head to the side slightly, and taking a step closer to Jessica. “Or just walk away and stop spreading lies… about Elijah and me when you don’t have proof about anything!!” 

Glancing around nervously, Jessica was thinking about her reputation and what her father would think if he found out. 

So she took a deep breath and forced herself to take one last glance at Elijah before turning around and heading out of the bar, 

A deep sigh echoed from Peach’s lips as her eyes rested on people still staring at her, and she let out, “None of you guys know the truth or anything… so stop the damn recording, and just leave us alone!!” Standing from the chair, Elijah pulled her into his arm and said, “T’ime to go home,” Sluggishly, Peach sat back in her seat and cried, ‘I want to sleep…” A look of disbelief crossed Elijah’s features as his brows furrowed together and his lips turned into a frown as he whispered, “I was serious about not carrying you out of here, Peach?” People’s attention was finally dying down on them, and he knew if he carried her out of the bar, they would start gossiping about them dating and that wasn’t something he wanted to deal with. 

When Peach rested her head on the table and let out a soft moan, Elijah knew that she had enough for today, and she wasn’t getting out of this bar on her own two feet. 

So he sighed out his frustration, focused his eyes on her, and picked her up bridal style, mumbling, “You are such a troublesome drunk.” 

Just like he feared, people’s attention was attracted back to them once again and a few whispers could already be heard. 

Shaking his head slowly and rolling his eyes in annoyance and frustration, Elijah headed towards the exit of the bar, carrying Peach in his arms as he held her tightly in his embrace and walked out without sparing a single look at anyone. 


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