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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 48

My boy


My boy “Oh my God!!” Miss Grace cried in horror as the guy rushed for Matt with the blade aimed right for his neck and a wicked smile plastered across his face.

Not even putting much thought into it, Matt jumped in the air, swung his right leg, and slammed his foot into the exact spot he hit first on the guy’s chest, sending him flying off the ground and landing hard on the concrete floor in a heap. “He’s not waking up! Matt, he’s not getting up!!” Miss Grace panicked, turning around with a tear in her eye.

Silently Elijah walked over to the guy, kicked the blade aside, squatted, and placed his fingertip toward his bloodstained nose, feeling the warm air flowing onto his skin and exhaling deeply with relief as he whispered, “He’s still breathing.”

Glancing over at Matt, Elijah met his eyes and said, “Can you get my car key, and wallet from my desk. Let’s take this dude to a hospital,”

It was too early for him to start getting in such serious trouble, and Elijah wanted to prevent that from happening.

Hastily, Matt rushed back into the motel, and Elijah looked at Miss Grace, saying softly, “He’s going to be fine.”

The hold ordeal scared Miss Grace to death and she didn’t speak for a moment. Looking into his eyes, Elijah stared at her quietly and gave a reassuring nod. Finally, Matt came outside with the black leather wallet and key and handed it to Elijah, listening to the guy growling in pain, on the floor. Then he picked him up and tossed him over his shoulder, ignoring the knife on the ground, and walked after Elijah. When they got to the car, Elijah opened the back door, and Matt threw the guy into the back seat.

Silently, Miss Grace watched Elijah and Matt get into the front passenger and driver seats of the car and drove off with the guy. The state of shock that she was in still hadn’t faded yet as her eyes followed them until the black car disappeared around the corner, completely lost in her thoughts.

Finally, when she got over her fright and confusion, she walked back into the motel and saw Peach with James, staring back at her in concern. “Is everything alright, Grace?” James asked, standing up straight. “Who is Elijah?” Miss Grace questioned, her voice wavering slightly as she made eye contact with him.

A sense of worry suddenly washed over James, and he hesitated. His eyes darted behind Peach and towards Miss Grace as he thought of a believable lie.

My boy

“Well, he’s just a man trying to establish himself after hitting rock bottom with the divorce… We all are trying to start over after a series of life crises. I lost my job as a butler, Melina divorce Elijah, Ryan lost his partnership at his law firm…” After hearing those words, Miss Grace’s expression slowly softened, and James continued,” We all joined together behind Elijah to establish an investment company, and the loan that

some of what he used to help pay your hospital bill…”

Now Miss Grace was feeling a bit of guilt because of the harsh judgment she suddenly had in her head about Elijah because of the incident.

“The rest is what Ryan and Rookie are using to get out there to find a means for the company to kick off… We are all just trying to stand back up after life has crushed us.” Feeling bad about her thoughts now, Miss Grace sighed and said, “I’m sorry... it’s just that that guy took out a knife-”

“What?! Is Elijah alright!” Peach cried, tears instantly appearing in her eyes. “... And Matt…. What happened out there, mama!”

“They are fine. But your question is what I want to know too? Why did that guy want to hurt Elijah so bad?” Miss Grace said with a sigh.

Suddenly, her mind ran to the only reasonable explanation she could think that would make any sense.

“Is Josh… or Madam Jewel behind it…?” Miss Grace cried, clapping her hand over her mouth.

When she saw the fear in her mother’s eyes, Peach worried for her, and yet, she knew a part of the truth and willingly decided to not say it. She realized if her mother knew what happened and the violent story she heard, her love for Elijah would crumble into nothingness.

At the hospital, the nurses rushed to Elijah and Matt as they entered the lobby with the guy balancing on both of their shoulders as he struggled to breathe.

to abandon him after every time that had occurred between them. “Are you sure?” A nurse asked again, sounding doubtful. Elijah looked back at the guy and nodded slowly, shoving his hands into his pocket as he said, ” Yeah, don’t worry about the cost, just make sure he doesn’t die.”

The seconds turned into minutes and soon, one hour had passed since they came, but finally, a nurse walked into the room and approached them. She smiled when she saw Elijah and Matt sitting on the benches, “Hi! I’m Dr. Jones, I assume you must be the guy that brought in Jerome.” “If you mean the guy that was struggling to breathe and bruised up, then, ‘yes,” Elijah replied simply, standing up from the bench and stretching his sore muscles. “So is he gonna be okay?Dr. Jones’ eyes softened as she met his eyes and said, “Yes, he’s going to be fine, and he was asking if you guys are still here.”


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