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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Annan livea toilip Alter an daoin plus drive, klijali pulled into a small dearing. Getting out of his car, Elijah and Mali sacert at holl warehouse in front of them, and how deserted this area was

6, Ns not too late to get back into the car,Mall whispered, gesturing to the car behind harus don‘t think its sale to walk to the warehouse...” 

Parung Matt on the back, Elijah smiled and teased, Grow some backbone, man” 

t have a backbone. Im just worried about your safety. Your father will not be happy with my performance if a bullet or knife strikes through your heart. Matt thought to himself, keeping quint about his concerns. I dont want this to go South, boss

Waking his head lightly, Elijah pulled out his phone, scrolled through his contact, and Nopped at Jeromes number, dialing it without hesitation

The phone rang twice before there was a click and Jerome answered, Hey, boss.” 


Im outside. Come out,Elijah ordered calmly, his eyes scanning the surrounding area.

The lime went quiet for a time that felt too long to Elijah, and he eyed Matt, feeling contemplated because of his man’s warning and his own desire to figure out what was going

Finally, a sound from the phone speaker made Elijah look back at the warehouse door, seeing tie door lift 

Poss,Matt whispered, standing his ground to stay alert, knowing that they were in foreign frrritory and that whoever had opened the door was either a friend or foe

Finally, when the door was up and Jerome abruptly ended the call, Elijah saw men, robust, tall, short, and muscular guys, walking out of the door one step at a time

And when the last guy stepped out, Elijah could guess that they were close to sixty men, and when he eyed Matt, he could see the look of composure on his face and yet stress in his eyes as he clenched his fists, Boss, this will be the best time to get into the car, now!” Matt whispered, yet his voice was firm, but his eyes showed his fear

Studying the faces of these men and how their hands were positioned in their front, Elijahs brows snapped in concentration, and then said, No, wait...” 

Suddenly, Dice made his way ahead of all the men and approached Elijah, his expression unreadable and serious

When he stopped in front of Elijah, two steps away, both men looked into each others eyes, holding intense eye contact, and even though their eyes seemed like they were screaming at each other, there seemed to be a calmness in between them, and neither one moved. 

At first, Elijah simply kept staring at Dice, not blinking an eyelash, until eventually, Dice spoke, You came to a remote area with no sense of danger and trusted my sons words blindly... I thought you were smart,” 

A smirk appeared on Elijahs lips upon hearing those words, and as soon as the smile grew larger, he chuckled softly and then said, It seemed like I was right.” 

The grin still lingered on his face, but his eyes told Dice that it wasn’t sarcasm, and he watched that smile softly fade as Elijah said, I am willing to risk myself by giving you guys the benefits of the doubt and come here, but if I go missing or let say dead, I bet it wouldnt be fun for you guys to have the chief of police on your asses...His words left everyone speechless, including Matt, who did not know where his boss was going with this bluff, and yet still kept his expression passive as he watched the scene unfold before him.

Dice, however, was surprised as well, but he did not show it in the slightest. But before he could utter a word, Elijah continued, You dont know how much hell I can rain on all of your asses from beyond the grave or tied in some dark, smelling room. It wouldnt be pretty for all of you, truth be told.”

You sound like death doesnt scare you... because you are staring right in the eyes of it and not the slightest bit concerned that your soul can get snatched anytime with just one word... actually two words, Kill him.Dice uttered firmly, staring hard at Elijah, who smirked once again as he lifted his chin slightly. “A man lives to die. That is the only thing that is fixed in his life. So why fear death when you are going to die someday, anyway?” 

Suddenly, one of the men snapped his brows and said, See! I told you guys this guy cant be trusted… He has a connection with the police!!” 

Shut up, Rick!Jerome said angrily, glaring at Rick who sealed his lips together instantly


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