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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 54

Her plans would get ruined

The last time Madam Jewel was here, things quickly escalated, and Peach didn’t want to experience it again, and somewhat, she was thankful that Elijah wasn’t here since she knew the hostility madam Jewel had toward him.

“Sure, but my mom gets to come.” Peach said, calmly staring between Madam Jewel and Dean,

The thought of being alone with these two made her alert, and she didn’t want to face them on her own, knowing their temperaments.

“Of course. We came to talk to both you and Grace.” Madam Jewel with a sweet smile that made Peach more uneasy.

Suddenly, the front door of the motel opened, and Peach felt her heart leap into her throat as she watched Elijah and Matt, walking into the lobby.

His gaze resting on Dean, Elijah’s brows snapped as he blurted out of curiosity, “What’s going on here?”

A sense of raw animosity and anger filled Dean’s features, keeping steady eye contact with Elijah as he let out, “It’s none of your business. Get lost.”

“The question was not meant for you,” Elijah said, narrowing his eyeś slightly and raising an eyebrow. “Peach?”

His voice startled her, making Peach glance sideways to look at Madam Jewel and Dean before focusing on Elijah and saying, “Umm, they want to talk with my mother and me.”

Silently, Dean read the tension between the two, and then he snorted as his nose flared, and his eyes glared at Elijah as he declared coldly, “What’s your deal here, boy, huh?!”

“Uncle Dean,” Peach said softly, knowing that things were about to get messy from the way Dean addressed Elijah, and she wanted to defuse the situation somehow.

Turning his cold eyes on his niece, Dean’s fist tightened as he said, “Shut up and stay out of this! It doesn’t concern you!”

The rise in his voice made the atmosphere in the room tense, and he added intensely with malice, “You should know your manners and not interfere with matters that do not concern


Since her father and grandfather died, Dean was like the head of the Hayes family, and even though she hated Dean for everything he did to them all, she knew how much authority his voice had.

Pouting, Peach glanced away, not wanting to say another word to intensify the situation while Madam Jewel just stood there with a cold expression. As Dean turned his focus back on Elijah, he took a step towards him, looking him dead in the eyes, and said, “Just because my brother is dead, you think you can walk into his wife and daughter’s life and use them as you used my daughter?! Why can’t you stay away from the Hayes family? Huh? What is your problem, hm?!”

Forcing himself not to show any emotion, Elijah stared silently at Dean for several seconds before responding calmly, “I am a free man, ain’t I? What I do and don’t do does not concern you,”

“That is some smart mouth you have there…” Dean commented with obvious disdain and disgust in his tone. “Look at me… Do you think that I have the patience to tolerate such an obnoxious piece of shit like you!? How about you disappear before you get yourself hurt, huh?”

With those words, Dean stepped forward again as the corner of Elijah’s lips curled into a sneer, and Matt tensed as he hesitated to act, waiting for his boss to react.

“What’re you smiling about, huh,” Dean scoffed, suddenly grabbing Elijah’s shirt and jerking him closer and growling, “I don’t like you, boy… not one bit, and if you keep making noise around here, I will cut you down to size myself!!” Looking away from Dean’s eyes, Elijah looked at his clothes tightly in his grip and casually said, “You are ruining my shirt.”

The calmness in Elijah’s eyes didn’t change, and his face remained indifferent as his gaze remained on Dean’s crazy eyes. The fact that all Vlad had reported back to him about Elijah was that he spent most of his time in the motel and didn’t interact with others outside was frustrating to Dean because he thought by now he would have an idea to take down Elijah.

Slowly, Dean’s grip on Elijah loosened up and he backed off slightly as he glared at him, not too convinced that there wasn’t more to Elijah than meets the eye.


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