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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 57

What did she say? 

With messy morning hair, a yawning mouth, and sleepy eyes, Peach walked into the lobby in a large t shirt and shorts, and then smiled, not caring that James and Matt were there. 

A month plus with these guys had made her so comfortable with their presence that she didn’t care for her look or to act formally anymore with them. 

“James, what is for breakfast,” Peach asked softly, smiling as their eyes locked. 

A warm expression graced his face as he grinned at her and said, “Pancake, muffins, toast, bacon, eggs…” 

The Sound of the front door opening caused him to glance back and frown as Ryan let out, walking into the lobby. “Did someone say egg… I hope it’s not burnt.” 

A wide smile spread against Peach’s face as her eyes widened and she shouted, “Ryan, Rookie!! You guys!!!” 

“Peach!” Ryan replied, grinning as he turned away from James and looked at her. 

As she was about to head over to hug them, Peach felt a presence behind her and immediately stopped in her tracks. 

Turning slightly around, she saw Elijah standing behind her, and her face instantly flushed “Morning,” Peach said quietly, looking down and trying to avoid eye contact with him as she rubbed the nape of her neck. 

Watching the two, Ryan gave Matt, who was standing by him, a side glance and whispered, “I wondered what happened between these two during the past month? Did they…” 

Shrugging his shoulder, Matt sighed, darting his gaze away from Peach and Elijah and focusing on him, saying, “Seriously,” “Well, I need to know if I will be getting easy cash from you soon,” Ryan teased, patting Matt on the back and winking at him. 

Shaking his head, Matt focused back on Elijah when he said, “Ryan, Rookie… Can we talk in my room?” 

The two immediately nodded, leaving their suitcase behind and following Elijah, out of the lobby 

When they saw Miss Grace, a sinile surfaced on Rookie and Ryan’s lips as she grinned at them saying, “You two are back from your business trip?” 

A sense of confusion took over them for a moment at the word, “Business trip,” and then Ryan laughed it off and said, “Yeah, and everything went smoothly.” With a soft look in her eyes, Miss Grace shook her head and chuckled, “I’m glad. Good to see the two of you back.” Then she gave a quick smile at Elijah before saying, “I will let you guys be then.. Seems like! am holding up something.” After she walked nast them. Emlah headed to his room with Roolde and Ryan, and then shut 

the door closed. 

“I’m glad you both are back,” Elijah said as he turned around and leaned back against the door, crossing his arms. 

Looking directly into his eyes, a sense of disappointment swept over Ryan and Rookie, and Rookie broke the silence and said, “But we didn’t find out why Checks has his father’s side of his family kept a secret and hidden-” 

“No, Rookie,” Elijah interrupted, raising an eyebrow at him, “That doesn’t matter right now What I needed was to know if he is worth establishing a business with, and you guys have given med sense of confidence in him… The rest will be figured out later.” 

After a brief pause, Ryan eyed Rookie and then stared at Elijah, saying, “So, you have decided To work with him?” 

“Yes. A lot happened while you guys were gone, and I think it’s time I start to establish a connection in the business world.” Elijah said, half in his thoughts and half in reality. 

Sitting in the back of her Mercedes, Madam Jewel kept her gaze on the front entrance of the parking lot of a twenty-four-story building, annoyed that she had been waiting in her car for two hours now. 

The sense of humiliation she felt, just sitting and waiting in the parking lot of Bryan Check head office was almost unbearable for her pride and ego, but it had taken her one week of trying to book an appointment to see him and it was of no use since he was always said to be busy 

As the seconds turned into minutes and she still hadn’t seen him, anger began to build up inside her, but it wasn’t long before a black Bugatti pulled up into the parking lot, and when its door opened, Bryan stepped out. 


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