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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 65

Dislocate it

With a tiny black shopping bag that had a gold handle in his hand, Michael stared at Ryan and Rookie, who stood to watch over him without saying a word. “Why are none of you speaking?! Are both of you deaf or stupid? I have already told you guys my name and who I am here to see, so why the hell is the other one of you staying so damn long?” Michael lashed out in a low tone, watching the volume of his voice so Peach can not think of him as someone rude and entitled. 

With an unamused expression, Ryan looked over at Rookie, clearly pissed, but he didn’t want to act before Elijah got there because he wasn’t sure how his boss wanted to handle this douche. 

“Who are you guys, Huh?” Michael 

asked again with more force as if he was hoping they would answer. 

But the two only seem more aggravated, like the mere sight of him was causing them annoyance and they wanted to be anywhere but with him. 

Michael huffed at them with an indignant scowl and then he looked Ryan in the eyes, stabbing his finger against his chest and giving him the most intimidating look he could muster. 

“Hey, dummy!! Is anyone upstairs, huh?! Or are you just a piece of annoying shit that doesn’t know how to respond properly?!” Michael uttered in a low, but clear voice with enough volume to draw attention from Rookie, who clenched his fist tightly in anger while he glared in Michael’s direction. 

Ryan felt his heart pounding fast against his ribcage and his blood rushing through his ears as he watched Michael’s finger stab into his chest repeatedly while trying to intimidate him. “Get your hand off him!” Elijah’s voice roared into the lobby as he walked towards them with Matt and James. 

Immediately, Michael flinched back, startled by Elijah’s sudden arrival, but Elijah’s tone only made him more egotistical and he stabbed his finger against Ryan’s chest and asked, “Or else what?” 

Not even giving his decision a second thought, Elijah looked at Matt and commanded,” Dislocate it,” Without a slight hesitation, Matt moved for Michael, and at first, he thought this was a bluff, but when Matt suddenly grabbed his index finger and pulled on it harshly, Michael yelped loudly. Yet, Matt didn’t care as he quickly twisted the finger until he heard it pop from the joint, and Michael let out a high-pitched scream, unable to control himself as Matt released his finger and stepped away from him. “You fucking bastard! You are dead meat!” Micheal cried, tears gathering in his eyes as he clutched at his now aching wrist. Walking over to him, Elijah looked him dead in his eyes and said, “I have people that I tolerate and asses that I don’t have time to deal with, so if you ever do a shit like this again, you will wish you were never born,” 

For a second, a look of fear settled in Michael’s eyes when Elijah spoke, but it disappeared just as fast and he simply smirked defiantly and spat out, “Do you know who I am?” “Do I look like I give a shit about who your entitled ass is?” Elijah asked in a deadpan voice.” What I do care about is you not touching my men because whatever body part you use to touch them, Matt will break it until there’s no bone in your body left to break, got it?” 

“Elijah?” Peach whispered, her eyes wide 

open, and her jaw dropped at his words as she stood at the lobby entrance, staring at them. Calmly, he looked at her and then darted his gaze on the look of fear in Miss Grace’s eyes and her clenched fist. 

“He started it,” Elijah said casually, backing away from Michael who was still clutching his now broken fingers with a pained face and a red tint across his cheekbones. Still, in a daze, Peach’s mind was trying to get over his husky voice and deadly words, feeling shocked and yet oddly allured at his response. Peach shook her head and took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down, feeling frozen to her spot, unable to take her eyes off Elijah. Snapping out of her trance, Miss Grace walked up to Michael slowly and gently touched his arm. 

“Are you alright?” She inquired softly. He flinched at her touch, and Miss Grace immediately removed her hand, feeling awkward, knowing she might have hurt him. “Yeah…I’m okay,” He replied hesitantly in a humble tone. “Thank you for caring, Ma’am.” Trying to save his boss’s face and not make Miss Grace totally displease with him, Matt scratched his neck and mumbled, “It’s not broken, just dislocated… I can pop it back in easily,” 

One look Miss Grace gave him made Matt super uneasy by her scowl, but he still uttered, “Hey, you! Do you want my help or not?” Seeing that Peach and Miss Grace were there, Michael forced a smile, holding in his rude response, and said, “Please do,” But as Matt was about to walk over to him, Elijah grabbed his attention with a harsh stare and said, “I told you to break it, not fix him up.” A cold silence descended upon the entire lobby and everyone looked at Elijah, but he kept his same glare focused on Michael and said calmly, “Apologize to Ryan and Rookie if you want your fingers back intact, understand?” 

Michael’s ego was bruised beyond repair by the remark, but to keep up an appearance with Peach and Miss Grace, he gritted his teeth and turned around and nodded towards Ryan and Rookie, saying, “Sorry…” The atmosphere in the room was tense once Michael apologized to Ryan and Rookie, and Matt hesitated, looking at Elijah, and when he nodded slightly, Matt walked over to Michael. The two men exchanged a brief heated glance before Matt took his hand and placed his fingers carefully against Michael’s index finger and bent it back into place, making him yelp in pain. 


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