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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 7

The sunlight streamed into the room through the window as Elijah sat up in his bed and turned around to see who entered his room.


As the morning rays fell onto his face, his eyes met with Butler James standing on the other side of the room.


“Good morning, master.” Butler James said politely as he closed the door behind him quietly.


Pushing the cover off him, Elijah  slid out of bed, running his fingers through his hair as he asked,  “What brings you here, Butler James?”


“Master, your mother wants me to inform you that  breakfast is ready downstairs.” Butler James informed.


“Okay, thanks. Just let her know that I’ll meet her soon,” Elijah replied,  rubbing the sleepiness out of his face as he headed toward the bathroom, closing the door behind him.


After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he took a comforting shower, trying to relax as he did so.


Then he stepped out afterward, wrapped a towel around himself, and walked over to his closet, grabbing a simple Sweatshirt and a pair of jeans out of his wardrobe, and putting them on quickly.


After that, he went downstairs, entering the dining hall to find his mother already sitting at the table, eating a slice of strawberries.


“Morning, mother,” Elijah greeted softly, walking to the table slowly and pulling out a chair for him before taking a seat.


“How did it feel sleeping in your bed? Great, right?” Mrs. Maxwell asked with an enthusiastic smile, hoping that he might answer yes.


“It was,”


“Then how about you stay for at least a couple more days, son…”


“Mama, you know I can’t do that. My flight is booked for  this afternoon, and I have important things to attend to tomorrow morning.”


Pouting, Mrs. Maxwell looked over at her husband, frowning at him as he walked into the room and sat down in one of the chairs across from her, and set the newspaper down on the table.


“See what you have done to our son.” Mrs.  Maxwell muttered, glaring at her husband before looking back at Elijah. “He’s a man. I want my baby back and in my arms again.”


“Now, what are you talking about, Lisa?” Mr. Maxwell said in between a chuckle, picking up his coffee mug and taking a sip of it. “He’s thirty. You can’t wish him to be three.


Mrs. Maxwell glared at him as he put the mug down, crossing her arms defiantly in front of her chest, annoyed that her husband and her son were ganging up on her.


” Well, that’s not going to stop me from wishing!” Mrs. Maxwell mumbled like a kid being stubborn, pouting as she crossed her arms, staring angrily away from her husband.


Laughing at his parents, Elijah shook his head slightly before reaching on the table for the bowl of strawberries and placing one in his mouth, then another.


At that moment, three men walked into the room, a slender-looking guy with blonde hair wearing blue jeans and a plain white shirt, a young man wearing dark green cargo pants, and another with jet black hair wearing a gray polo shirt.


“Good Morning, Madam, Big Boss, and young master.” The three men said in sync as they all bowed slightly.


Smiling, Elijah nodded and looked over at his father, asking, “What’s going on?”


“This is not like the first time. Even though I want you to know the value of money and status, I am not going to make it harder on you, so these are your three acquaintances, Rookie, Matt, and  Ryan. They will help you carry out any orders.” His father answered.


Looking over at the three guys, Elijah smiled as they grinned at him, staring respectfully back at him.


“Hello, Master Elijah, I am Ryan. I am a lawyer and a private detective for a living. But I also do some occasional consulting work, which means I am always available if there is a need to consult with me.” Ryan said with a polite grin.


“Good morning, Master Elijah… I am Matt, a boxer  and an MMA fighter, but I also know some street fights and hand-to-hand combat.” Matt said with a confident grin.


With a soft smile, Elijah nodded, looking over at the last guy, and he rested his palm on his stomach, bowing again before uttering, “Rookie, I am an IT professional, specializing in computers and technology. I know how to hack, and sometimes even break into a secure computer system.”


A sense of discomfort swept through Elijah at the thought of how many capable people his father hired for him. But he suppressed  those feelings, smiling brightly at the group as he replied, “Well, it’s good to know you guys, and I hope we get along.”


All of his life, Elijah thought he was going to be inheriting his father’s empire, he never thought he would have to start from scratch to build his own corporation.


“Matt, Ryan, Rookie, and James will be going with you to Syldavia.” Mr.  Maxwell said, fixing his gaze on his son’s eyes. “As a father, I have played my part. The rest is up to you now, son. I hope you  make the right decisions.”


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