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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 71

I can’t wait to be your wite 

Grabbing the last unconscious thug by his leg and dragging him to the SUV, Dice smirked at Jerome and then threw him with the others in the backseat of the car. 

A low groan escaped from the bruised – up thugs as they laid over each other, unable to even speak for themselves let alone try to escape or attack any of them. 

“You should text the boss to come out.” Dice told his son, slamming the car door shut. 

The silence in Elijah’s room broke when Elijah’s phone vibrated, causing him to look away from Miss Grace and focus on his phone screen. “Hmmm… Please excuse me. I got to head out,” Elijah said as he woke from his bed, shoving his phone into his pocket. As he was about to walk past Miss Grace, feeling disheartened, her voice stopped him, “Do not make me regret this, Elijah… regret choosing you for my daughter.” A faint smile grew across Elijah’s face, hearing her say that, knowing she wasn’t actually mad at him, just worried as any mother would be if her daughter was involved with a man like him. “Yes, ma’am…” He murmured in a humble tone before walking out of the room. When Elijah got in the lobby, Matt gave him a weird look and asked, “What’s happening out there? Why are Jerome and Dice-” “Not now, Matt.” Elijah cut him off, heading past his four men. 

When he got outside the motel, he walked over to Dice and Jerome, eyeing the brown bat with red stains on it in their hands. 

“Boss!” Jerome blurted out, turning to face Elijah. “Do you have them all?” Elijah asked, looking at the black cars. When Jerome nodded, he subconsciously met Dice’s gaze when he suddenly uttered, “I didn’t think the Fangio would have attacked so suddenly and in such a manner…” 

“How could they underestimate you and threaten your life like that?” Jerome spat out angrily. “Is it because the Fangio believe that they can get away with it because of their power and wealth!! What a bunch of arrogant, evil, scum bags!!” 

with a casual expression, Elijah raised his brows and then said, “Well, they have strike. Now, it’s our time… Make sure the Fangio has no men to command for a couple of whiles and make them write some good checks for medical bills.” 

His face hardening, Elijah looked directly into his eyes and said, “Find every man that ever answered to Fangio and put them in a hospital bed before Friday… Repay his desire for me with that, just don’t kill anyone.” Elijah uttered, his tone cold. 

“You got it, boss.” Dice replied, smiling lightly, his eyes glistening with excitement, “We will take care of it right away!” 

The sound of a knock made Peach slowly raise her eyelids open, gazing at her bedroom door, sighing softly 

“It’s not locked,” Peach called out, still laying on the bed, her eyes closed again, not wanting to leave the comfort of her sheet even though she had been there for a long while now. After a few seconds, the door slowly creaked open, and she lifted her head slightly, staring at Elijah, walking into the room. 


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