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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 77

I want to do you right
As Matt drove the car in silence, he looked back at Elijah, staring out the opened passenger window, and then he mumbled, “I know you don’t talk a lot about your marriage to Melina, but I think Peach is really in love with you…” 

“You will think those words twice after being with a manipulative, twisted psychopath who is willing to do anything to get what she wants,” Elijah mumbled, not taking his eyes off the 

scenery. “Women know the power that they have… They use it like a weapon. They know how to wield it, to control it. To get them what they want.” 

Sighing, Matt turned around and looked at him for a second, seeing the pain reflected in Elijah’s brown eyes as he said this before looking back at the road ahead, mumbling, “Not all of them are like that.” 

“I know. And I am hoping for Peach to just be Peach… I don’t think I can handle her changing on me later because, to be honest, I am…” Elijah mumbled, pausing as he stared at a store and then blurted, “Make a stop over there.” A couple of minutes later, he and Matt walked through the door of a jewelry store, and the inside looked highly polished with huge marble floors and glass ceilings. When they reached the counter, Elijah looked over at a sales clerk and said, “Hey, I am looking 

for an engagement ring.” 

A smile made its way onto the clerk’s face as she said, “We’ve got a great selection right here. The ones at the top price are twenty thousand dollars, the middle is fifty thousand dollars, the lowest is fifteen thousand dollars… What would you like?” “Do you have anything lower than that?” Elijah asked, still looking at the clerk. “A bit cheaper?” 

The smile on her face quickly faded to hear him ask for a lower price because she judged him by his good look and thought he was someone who had money. 

Suddenly, another guy walked over to the counter, dressed in a fancy velvet black two-piece suit, and she immediately turned her focus on him. 

“Good afternoon, sir! How can I help you?!” She called as she tried hard not to stare at Elijah. 

“I want to buy an Emerald ring. Do you have one here that is decent for my fiancé?” He uttered, smiling slightly. 

“Excuse me… umm, we were here first. At least give us a few options to look at before you pay attention to another customer.” Matt interrupted and he glared at the clerk 

Frowning silently, she scowled over at him and let out, “I did. And it’s not my fault that you two don’t have the means to purchase what I have shown you!” 

Hearing the arrogance in her tone, another clerk looked over at Elijah and Matt with a sympathetic expression and walked over to them. 

“Good afternoon, sirs. How can I be an assistant to you two gentlemen?” She asked with sweetness in her voice. 

“We are looking for an affordable engagement ring,” Elijah stated bluntly, his gaze leaving 

the other clerk as she scoffed and then focused on the lady. “Okay… Umm… We have Tanzanite, 600-1000, Aquamarine, 1000 dollars, Sapphire, 1200 2000, Fire Opal, 2300… Hmm, do you want me to go higher than that?” “No,” 

“Okay, then… I will bring out a few rings in that price range.” Silently, Elijah watched her bent under the counter, and he noticed that she took out a large box, along with several others which she stacked up onto one side of the counter. After looking through them one after another, Elijah and she settled on a beautiful Aquamarine ring, and she whispered, “Your girlfriend is going to love it… It’s so pretty.” Seeing that she was so in love with the ring and not the price, Elijah smiled and then mumbled, “Can I speak with your manager?” 

A look of worry immediately crossed her face, thinking that she had said or done something wrong, but she forced a smile and mumbled, “Sure… I’ll come back in a moment.” 

Turning on her heels, she hurried to leave Matt and Elijah to themselves as she walked through a door leading to a backroom, while Matt kept quiet, watching Elijah and wondering what was going through his head. A moment later, she returned with a fellow, walking behind her, and they stopped behind the counter 

“Hey,” The manager said, staring at Elijah, confused about what this was about, and even the other clerk seemed as confused as him, and yet, a sneer never left her lips. “Hello, umm, because of Mariah,” Elijah uttered, looking at the lady’s name tag “I would like to make a custom-made diamond set for my girlfriend for our upcoming wedding.” All three of the store employees’ eyes widened at Elijah’s words, and then the manager got over his shock and mumbled, “What budget are we working with?” 

“Between five million to ten,” Elijah uttered, resting his credit card on the desk. 


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