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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 82

Ruim down hell together

Without saying a word, Elijah put luis phone back into his pocket, trying to compose himself, even thouglı rage was eating at him rom die inside..

“Are you okay?” Peach whispered, seeing a slight shift in his expression when his gaze rested on the Harves, glaring at each member of the family.

“Yeah, I am…” Elijah muttered, tuming towards Peach with a smile and then kissing her lightly on the head to distract her from the fact that his eyes still had a ylint of anger hidden there

Resting lus chin on her head as he pulled her into a hug, Elijah’s gaze met with Madam jewel, and his jaw rightened.

Al five the reception hallat a beachside hotel was filled with the sounds of chatter, laughter, music, and the noise of the ocean crashing onto the sand.

And the audacity of the Hayes to follow them to the reception party had Elijah clutching tightly onto his wine glass while a bunch of his men with their girlfriend congrats Peach, pulling her into calming chitchat.

His grip only tightened as Madam Jewel approached him with the rest of the Hayes, forcing him to keep his anger cage because the last thing he wanted to give them the chance of ruining was Peach’s happiness.

“Congratulations on becoming the son–in-law of the Hayes family for the second time…” Madam Jewel said, a little bit of sarcasm lacing her voice as she looked Elijah up and down, and then added, “Now, that you are a part of a prestigious family again, it must be nice, huh?”

Elijah kept his gaze trained on Madam Jewel as he glared at the woman, not giving her the pleasure to see his lips part or move.

Arrogant bastard,’ Madam Jewel thought, her anger rising, and her lips twisted in disgust.

With a spiteful spirit, she reached into her purse and took out a white envelope, pointing it at Elijah, and said, “I can see that this wedding must have drained your pocket to fund such a lavish wedding… I know you are trying to prove something, but take this, so Peach can have food to eat tomorrow after such a wasteful decision… after all, she’s still my granddaughter.”

When Elijah didn’t move his lips, her face turned an ugly shade of red, and she said in a low, but angry voice, “Now that you have married Peach, you should learn manners and behave more respectfully around the people who matter in this family. After all, you are now part of -”

“Is everything okay?” Peach suddenly cut into the conversation, forcing a smile at Madam Jewel, as she hugged Elijali’s arm.

Then she and Melina’s gaze locked, but she didn’t break eye contact until Melina’s sight lowered towards her ring finger.

“Is that real diamond?” Melina blurted out, her eyes bulging as she pointed at the ring, reaching for Peach’s hand.

But Josh’s scoff made her stop and look up, staring at him, when he uttered, “As if! It’s fake, sister… Stop drooling over useless things.”

A pout formed on Peachi’s lips at their arrogance and rudeness, she looked at Madam Jewel once more and said politely, “you don’t mind, I will like to steal my husband for the bouquet toss.”

That word made Melina roll her eyes, and then looked away, listening to madarn Jewel say, ” Peach, wait…”

“Yes, grand…ma?” Peach looked up, holding tight onto Elijah’s arm, feeling, slightly nervous due to how silent he was with a coldness in his expression.

“Yeah, take this.” Madam Jewel handed Peach the envelope with both her hands.

“What is it?”


A frown crossed Peach’s face, and she looked up to see Elijah’s expression even colder, his lips pursed tightly and his hands clenched into fists at his side.

“No thanks… umm, we don’t need your money… I will take my husband away now.” Peach mumbled in annoyance.

Before anyone could react, Peach pulled on Elijah’s arm, leading him to the other side of the venue, where Miss Grace, Matt, James, Rookie, Dice, Ryan, and a group of people were.

“Hey,” Peach whispered, looking up at Elijah’s eyes, and suddenly tiptoes to kiss his cheeks. A chuckle left Elijah’s lips, and he placed his hand on her waist, kissing the top of her head as he thought, ‘You are the only reason I don’t have my fist in someone’s face right now.” Looking to the right, Ryan frowned as he watched the Hayes leaving, and then he faced his front to meet Peach’s eyes.

“Let’s do this! I need to know between Matt and me who’s getting married first!” Ryan said in a cheerful tone.

“Okay!” Peach laughed, taking her bouquet from her mother’s hand.

The laughter sound made Dean look over his shoulder at Elijah and scowl.

“Don’t worry, brother. They will soon come crawling back to us.” Tommy uttered with a cocky smile, patting Elijah’s shoulder.

Standing a few distances behind Peach as she turned her back to them, Matt and Ryan got ready to catch the bouquet.

When Peach threw it behind, Ryan pushed Matt out of the way and caught it, and he grinned triumphantly yelling, ‘yes!’ and making everyone laugh.

The night went by with dancing and talking, drinking, and lots of laughing.

Even though Elijah tried to be polite and smile at everyone, his mind was somewhere else.

Finally, when James and the others had Peach distracted, Elijah walked over to Miss Grace and said, “Can we talk outside?” 

The sadness in his voice made her grow worried, and she nodded, looking over at Peach for a moment before following after Elijah.


When they got outside, staring at the open sky and seashore, Miss Grace asked, “Is something


“Did you take your medication?” Elijah softly asked. “How’s your heart?”

Silence fell between them, as Elijali thonglit about what to tell her, hotexplain it.

“The mote)… Umm… the thing is…” Elijah uttered, pausing as he held her by the shoulder, making sure she was stable in his grip. “The motel was set on fire today, and… I’m… it burnt down. It’s gone.”

“No, that… is… it can’t… No, no, no…!!” Miss Grace stuttered, feeling tears streaming down her cheeks as she stared straight ahead, unable to control herself.

When he walked her over to the bed, Elijah slowly laid her down on the sheets, and then as he was about to pull away, she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering, “Thank you for today,”


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