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The Marvelous Elijah's Return novel Chapter 98

Where is Peach? 

The lobby of Investistic Co. was a bit noisy, and yet it had a calm atmosphere, but all that immediately changed as tension and silence took over the moment the front doors opened and Elijah stepped inside with Dice, Ryan, and Rookie by his side. 

Every employee in the lobby instantly snapped to attention when they saw him, and their faces twisted into various looks of fear, anger, confusion, and annoyance. 

The quiet only lasted for a couple of seconds, and then the whispering began as the stares continued. 

“Is he just a reckless man, or a stupid one because after what he did to Elmer... if I was him, I would have been out of the country by now and in hiding.” One of the female employees muttered under her breath. 

“Honestly, I feel embarrassed for him. With all the rumors about his first marriage and how the public saw him then, you think he would have learned his lesson, but he has become even more –” The guy by her whispered, pausing in fear when Elijah‘s eyes and his unintentionally locked. 

He was no stranger to what Elijah did yesterday and remembering what happened to Elmer, he cleared his throat in panic, and waited silently until Elijah looked the other way

“He has become even more pathetic and disgusting than I expected. The fact that he‘s using another granddaughter of the Hayes... and this time manipulating her so he can go after the family wealth is just sickening.” The guy finally completed his statement making a face at the sight of Elijah walking past them with his men. 

“Seriously, and I am glad that the Hayeses are taking action, and with what they just offered, I know who I am siding with...” The woman said, looking around quickly to make sure that Elijah was far ahead. 

“Me too. I am taking their offer and leaving here... After all, this place is dying, and if Elmer Hayes could not breathe life into it after all this time, what can a lowlife scum like him do?” Another employee weighs in on their conversation with a scoff. “He‘s just going to take what he can get, and leave the company dead.” 

The whispering immediately stopped when the elevator dinged and its doors opened, making everyone look over to the right to see Dean and Josh stepping out and then at Elijah halting in his tracks with Rookie, Ryan, and Dice right by his side. 

The sense of fear and anticipation suddenly increased tenfold as every employee in the lobby watched both sides silently. 

“Where is Peach?” Dean asked, taking a couple of steps until he was face to face with Elijah in an uncomfortable proximity. 

“What are you two doing here?” Elijah replied, keeping his composure with ease despite the tense situation. 

“That‘s not the answer to my damn question, and” 

“Where my wife is or isn‘t is none of your business, Dean.” 

The way Dean‘s brows snapped together and his jaw tensed made the rage he felt displayed on his face, along with a little embarrassment, obvious. 

Then he took one more step closer to Elijah, leaning toward his ear, and whispered, “You are not a cat with nine lives, boy, and I pity your sorry–ass that you chose to waste this one by testing our family like a madman with no brain cells.” 

A scowl settled on Ryan and Rookie‘s faces, and Dice had a death stare in his eyes as he eyed Dean, but 

the three stood their ground, waiting for their boss‘s order. 

“Is that all?” Elijah asked, his tone carefree and his eyes showing no emotion. 

As a mixture of confusion and anger messed with his emotions, Dean blurted out without thinking,” What?” 

“You can leave now if that‘s all. I have better things to do, then standing here and staring at your face. After all, it‘s not fascinating to look at.” Elijah calmly uttered with an unamused expression. 

With great force, rage swept through Dean and he immediately acted on it, collaring Elijah by his coat and pulling him close. 

“Listen to me, you piece of shit!” Dean spat in his face. “You–” 

But before Dice, Ryan, or Rookie could step in, Elijah didn‘t let him finish as he grabbed Dean by his wrists, yanked his grips off his clothes, and quickly twirled him around, locking his arms behind his back. 

“Get your dirty hands off, my father, you bastard!!” Josh shouted advancing towards Elijah in a fit of rage. 

“With pleasure,” Elijah let out, pushing Dean from the back. 

For a moment, Elijah watched them, a smirk etched on his lips as Josh shoved his father away from him and jumped up, shouting, “You are a dead man, Elijah. I will–” 

“Like I said. I have a lot to do here, so pick your father off the floor and get out of this building. Is my word clear?” Elijah asked with one raised brow

Then he glanced at Dean, who had finally managed to get him standing again and slowly back away two feet. 

Shortly, Josh turned his head to meet the stress in his father‘s eyes, and then he nodded before the two walked past Elijah and his men and left the building, the sound of footsteps fading away. 


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