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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 We’re Even

“Karen White, you are forty-five years old and unemployed. That boy who went through surgery just now is not your son. He’s your stepson. You’ve never liked him and repeatedly stated that you wish for him to be dead. You seem pretty involved with his car accident preceding this. When the crash didn’t kill him, you wanted the doctor to perform surgery on him so he would die on the operating table. This way, you could make this hated stepson disappear and claim tons of money from the hospital. Am I wrong, Karen?”

Once he said all this, everyone looked flabbergasted.

Could such a horrible person exist?

Even if he wasn’t her biological son, she shouldn’t have wished for his death.

Seeing that everyone was staring at her, Karen went pale. She gnashed her teeth and said, “You’re making this all up! You just want to help Dr. Walter get away with this!”

“The police will investigate whether I am speaking the truth. But I should remind you that your actions in the emergency room this afternoon are all recorded in the surveillance cameras. Do you really think that a few sentences of yours will flip the narrative?”

Not far off, a few police officers began walking toward Karen White. “We’ve received the report. You are now being investigated for attempted murder. Please follow us.”

With a thud, Karen fell onto the ground. Her lips were deathly white.

Quickly, she was hauled away by the police officers. The reporters were in a daze. The tables had turned in mere seconds.

Max wasn’t letting this go just yet. He glared at them coldly. “I hope to see the truth in the news after this. You know what I mean, don’t you?”

“Y… yes, we do.” The reporters nodded. They all heard the threat in Max’s words. They didn’t dare to share their opinions now. It seemed that Dr. Walter was framed, and fear enveloped them. That woman had nearly weaponized them!

The reporters left. The people surrounding them left, too.

Jenny looked at Max. “Thank you. I’ll remember what you did.”

“You’re welcome. Just think of it as a gift from me to you,” Max said with a smile.

The exhausted Jenny said nothing more. She just wanted to go home and sleep.

Max saw how exhausted she was. “Looks like we can’t make it for dinner tonight. I’ll drive you home. You should rest early.”


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