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To Be Yours Again novel (Alec and Jenny) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 I Won This Time

Max drove Jenny to the Perry Residence.

“Thank you for today,” Jenny said once more.

“You’ve already thanked me a bunch of times. You don’t have to be so polite with me.” Max feigned being upset. “If you want to thank me, treat me to a meal. You promised me that.”

Jenny nodded. “Alright. I’ll treat you.”

“Go on in. Get some rest,” Max urged.

Before she walked away, he said, “I ordered some food for you. You need to eat it.”

“Alright. Thank you.” Jenny gave a hesitant nod. Besides thanking him, anything else she said would seem too much.

She walked through the gates, disappearing from Max’s sight.

Max retracted the smile on his face and leaned against his car, lighting a cigarette. When he was halfway through the cigarette, a car approached and stopped before him.

Max smiled and flung the cigarette to the ground, stamping out the flames. “Looks like you’ve lost to me, Aléc.”

Alec rolled down the windows. His dark eyes were devoid of emotions. “You’re doing all this just to win?”

“Of course.” Max nodded. All he ever wanted was to beat Alec at something for once.

However, anger rose in Alec’s chest. “She’s a human being, not a trophy between us.”

“Of course. If not for you, I might have really admired her. I might even have fallen in love.” A trace of pity. appeared on Max’s face. Too bad that hatred fueled his actions.

“You’re really immature.” Alec moved his car, driving through the gates.

Max shrugged and said nonchalantly, “Immature? Maybe. But what does that matter if I can win against you, Alec?”

Alec got down from his car and went to the elevator. He was irritated by Max’s actions.


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