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Why did she " Divorce Me " novel Chapter 50

Author's Pov.:-

Maverick was seating on decorated stage and waiting for Amoli to come ...

In their marriage only some close relatives are invited .. so it's a small wedding .

Amoli's mother went inside her room to take Amoli out ... From her room ..

But she didn't found her .. she checked in Washroom also to see all silent and no trace of Amoli ..

She gasped in fear .. ' ohh lord please save my daughter ! ... Where is she ? ... '

She went out and tell everything to her husband who also came inside amoli's room to check again as he didn't believe on his wife's words .

He looked around but he also couldn't found her there ..

" Go and see quasar is also missing or not ! " He said and walked out from his house to search his daughter around but he failed ..

He came back and Maverick's parents asked him what happened to which he said everything to them with lower head .. hiding his face in shame ..

This news put on fire and spread everywhere ..

" She is a whore that's why she ran away with her lover " one guest said ..

" Yes.. you are right that's why she divorced her husband and now she also ran away from her marriage " another one guest said ..

" Yes I have seen her close with lot of guys " another one said and that's how most of the people's started to talk shit about Amoli with putting lie in it .. while who don't have any idea they just listen others gossip and heat their ears with this spicy gossip .

Mrs. Wright walk to her son and said " come maverick we are going back son .. "

Maverick frowned and asked in confusion " why mom ? "

" Because Amoli is not in her room son .. I think something has happened to her ... Maybe Varun has kidnap her " Mrs. Wright said to her son ...

Ground slipped under his foot ... He looked around him not believing it .. because although he didn't love Amoli but like every man he also made some dream .. like he had planned for his honeymoon , dinner dayes .. and more surprises for Amoli ... But now all ruined.

He moved his fingers in his hairs .. his other brothers also came to him to give him their support ..

" We have to find her .. maybe she is in trouble " maverick said and everyone got agree with him ...

Advaith also came running to them and said " I have find her everywhere but she is not here .. quasar is also not here .. means  it's a planned kidnapping ."

They all made planned and as it's not complete 24 hours of amoli's disappearance they can't fill her missing complaint and they don't have any prof or eyewitness against Varun , so , they can't fill complaint against him also .

Hudson and Theodore both went in Varun's company's office to get his whereabouts information .. but his company has bodyguards and complete security they couldn't get any information about him .. as they couldn't put their single step inside Varun's any company.

While advaith and Greyson went in Varun's villa ... Which was all silent .. not a single soul was inside it .. and it's looking all packed for selling .. they got confused but still search him inside his villa while watchman is behind them ...

Meanwhile amoli's parents arrived at Varun's parents house .. and there Varun's all family members stood with lower head .. when they got to know Varun's stunt ..

They themselves don't know where is he .. but they assured amoli's parents that they will also help them to find Amoli and their granddaughter .

While maverick alone went to Varun's hotel ....

Maverick reached in Varun's hotel .. he came in hall and got mesmerized by its beautiful but he is hell angry on Varun and worried for Amoli .

And to feel hurt of breaking his dream .. he doesn't have time for it ..

" I want to meet your boss .. Varun Arora " maverick shout on receptionist counter and banged his hand to echoed his punch's sound in silence filled hall ..

All four female receptionist with four guy helps gasped in shock ..

They all looked at maverick who is hell angry as he is unable to protect Amoli ... he is not in his state of mind .. and who will be .. when you faced so much humiliation by your own guest and you are worried for your good friend .. and you even don't have any idea where you can find her .. all this things together will make you crazy in tension ...

" I have asked you where is your boss Varun Arora.. call him " he again shout and receptionist run away from their places ..

" We don't know where is sir is !.. he haven't came here from past 2 months " said one receptionist without any fear .. and directly looking in Maverick's eyes .. maverick felt a kick in his heart when his eyes caught receptionist beautiful brown eyes ..

He is continuously looking at her .. as maverick has already create a scene so , some guards came in and locked Maverick's body in their hands and threw him out from hotel .

But maverick got up and his bodyguards force fought with Varun's hotel guards and than maverick again walk back in with a smirk of victory.

No one dared to stop maverick ...

Same receptionist blocked maverick's way when she saw him entering in lift with hockey stick without any permission .

She learnt that he is going to destroy Varun's office and hotel's expensive things which cost Varun a loss .. huge one .

" Hey you ... Step out and go back from you have came ...

It's not your father's house where you can show your rights " said the receptionist in anger and pulled out maverick by pulling his hand from lift .

After Absorbing her words in his head .. maverick got angry and he hold receptionist by her shoulder and pushed her over wall and caged her lean small body between him and wall ...

Every staff members gasped in shock but they couldn't help her as maverick's bodyguards force is around the hotel guarding it and some are inside in hall with their weapons in their hand .

" Why did you said .. huh .. its not my father's house .. listen you little slut .. you don't know me so shut your this fucking mouth .. and about me .. I can build much more expensive hotel than this got it .. you cheep .. I even can buy you for a night because you're not second touch worthy " maverick insult the receptionist to welcome tears of humiliation in her eyes .

But still she didn't show her weakness and stepped her hells on maverick's foot and slapped him hard on his face to make it slide on side way

and she said .. " may be you are enough rich to build more expensive hotel than this .. or maybe I am slut but listen you Mr. .. you can't buy me because you're too poor to be my master " .

It put anger in his veins .... Unknowingly she has welcomed hell in her life ..

Before maverick could teach her good lesson .. his phone ranged ..

It's shows Grayson's name .. he picked it up and signalled his one trusted man to take this receptionist in his torturing secret house .

When that bodyguard hold receptionist's hand to pull her , she ran away from him ... Sensing danger is coming in her way .. Saving herself from the devil ...

Meanwhile maverick also cut the call and saw receptionist running he threw his phone to that same bodyguard to catch it on time ..

He run behind her and soon caught her by her waist and threw her over his shoulder to make her yelp in surprise and shock in the  meantime  .. the receptionist wiggled in his hold .. and showered punches on his back ... She even pulled his hairs but maverick he didn't left her ..

Reather to it he made his hold more tight around her and spanked her butt pretty hard to make her hissed in pain ..

He took that woman .... With him to calm his demon by her soul .




Amoli's Pov.:-

I woke up from my sleep by my alarms continuously crying ... At last I showed mercy on it and lazily closed it and finally got up ...

" Ahh " I hissed when I streched my body to wake it up from sleep but end up hissing in pain all thanks to yoga ...

I did my business in bathroom and came out all ready for my lessons ..




I cleaned sweat away from my face with towel while seating on one chair in garden


I haven't seen Varun from this morning .. I went inside the house in his search ..

Here he is in Quasar's room feeding her milk with milk bottle ... I just stood there and watch him every move .. he is handling quasar so welly .. his this act touched my heart ...

I walked away from there and took quick shower and wear a simple western dress ..

I took my meds before breakfast and after completing my breakfast I again took my another meds .

" Varun can I have your cellphone to talk to my parents ? " I asked him because I don't have my cell phone with me .

He simply said me no .. with eyes glued in his laptop screen .. I huffed and got up from my place to go to him ..

I closed his laptop gaining his complete attention .. he is looking at me with irritating face at first but soon his expressions changed into calmed one .

" I want to take to my parents now ! " I said and he shook his head in no ..

I winched and kicked my foot on floor while moving my hard back forth .. but still he doesn't buyed in it ..

" Why I can't ? " I asked ...

" Because it's not safe babe ! .. you know what Wright's are finding you like a dogs .. and if you talk to your parents they will find out our location and I don't want this not yet ..

Your parents didn't trust me and I want you to be healthy like before , so , no you can't talk to them because they will take you away from me .. and this treatment will left here incompleted " he said ... Not said .. he literally plead to me while holding my hands in his and he rest his face over my hands palms ...

He kissed my palms and then left them ...

" Go and read books or cook or play with quasar .. I am busy " he said ..

" Hey .. how are you handling your work from here .. isn't it troubling you or discomforting you ? " I asked him and her nod his as yes

" I am handling my work from this only laptop .. and yes it's discomforting but bearable " he answered.. I nod my head .. and moved out .



I finished my lunch and took my meds ... While is busy in his work .. due to this afternoon meds .. I am being light headed and sleepy .. I slept till evening ..

I woke up from my nap .. and went down in hall after freshing up .. Varun is these seated in hall with one leg over another .. and back resting over couch's back ... And his mouth is slightly opened ..with closed eyes ..

' ohhhh ... So , Mr. Arora is sleeping ... Hehehehe .. let's wake him up ' my naughty mind said and I happily obeyed it ..

I took water filled glass over his mouth and little little drops of it slide in his opened mouth ... As first he licked it but after 2-3 drops he coughed and opened his eyes .. and fell on floor ...

I laughed at him ... Holding my stomach .. even tears also came in my eyes due to hard laughter ..

He sit on floor with lazily spread legs and hand on his face running to wake him up from his sleep ..

He removed his hands from his face .. and with jolt he opened his eyes which are shining in naughtiness ...

' run Amoli ' my mind said and here .. I run like I am running to win marathon..

He too chase me .. but over moment broke by Quasar's cry .. I walk to her and hold her in my arms ..

And as promise Varun took me near the beach area to kill my time .. some staff members also came with us to help us ..

But it want to play volleyball .. so we tied net at good sandy place ..

We made two time .. team - A .. it's Amoli's team means mine .. and team - V ... It's Varun's team ..

And the helper who had came to help us .. we select them one by one in our team ..

Chapter - 50 1

Chapter - 50 2


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