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0 Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart novel Chapter 30

14 Feb 2017


Valentine's Day it was today and I must admit it was a roller coaster ride .

People like Andro have many friends..

Be it relatives, associates, childhood friends or even ex girlfriends.

He was invited to a ballroom party tonight

But he was not going alone.

The card demanded a date and he found me to be the best candidate.

First I was anxious of being surrounded by so many rich and powerful people but slowly I started to relax myself.

He couldn't stay by my side all throughout so I forced him to leave and talk to others.

After multiple assurances that I will be fine he finally left.

I sat alone taking in my surroundings.

Everything screamed money

Lots and lots of money.

The diamond sets the divas wore to the expensive bottles that decorated the bar wall.

All were the latest.

I was interrupted when two beautiful ladies decided to sit at my table next to me.

They were engrossed in their gossips ranging from

"Oh you know she wore the same dress last time.....eww her stellitoes are so outdated......that bit** on Mr z's arm looks like a slut...."

I ignored their talks but when I found myself to be their test subject all my gathered confidence shattered into pieces.

Their words were so harsh that my eyes were ready to sting with tears..

'She is the one that came with Alessandro right.....since when did his taste in women came down to this..."

Her glare on my body made me shift uncomfortably

"I agree ...she looks like a roadside sl** that warms beds...I am surprised he brought her to a party like this...."

"That is Alessandro Romano to you....he is a gentleman for sure so he must be doing charity on her I guess..."

They both laughed and I got up from the table not able to listen any longer.

My eyes landed on Andro

He was busy talking to some men

A blonde was standing next to him trying to seduce him but he looked least interested.

While talking his eyes met mine and for a second he stopped speaking.

I forced a smile trying to convince him that I was fine and turned around to go to the bar.

A little alcohol won't hurt I thought but little did I knew it would be a catalyst to my embarrassment.

After 2 glasses of Vodka I felt a little tipsy but still sober.

Before I could gulp another glass a hand stopped me from taking it by pulling away the glass from my hand and instead he gulped it

I looked up at Andro and he smiled..

"What?..I needed it..."

He replied

He pulled me away from the bar and took me to the snacks corner.

"Here eat this...I know you haven't eaten a thing since we came"

He handed me the plate and looking at so many tasty dishes made my earlier worries went away.

As we were standing there enjoying together the girl from earlier decided to join us

NAT..whispered Ando and he looked shocked on seeing her...his posture straightened and his face became emotionless.

"hey Alessandro.... didn't thought you will move on from me that easily....."

She looked at me with a smile that looked fake.

"Hello to you too Natalie ...you look beautiful as always..."

Him complementing her made me jealous...I know he was speaking truth...she was indeed beautiful. But still it did hurt .

"Thanks love. Well who may your date be?"

"Oh yes....she is Sapphire Brown....my ......"


"Dear friend..."

Well what did I expect...I was not his girlfriend...not even a good friend if I may say.

I thought.

Their conversation continued and I felt out of place...they connected well and it was the first time I saw Andro laugh so fully...they were childhood friends but it seemed like they had a much deeper connection.

While Andro was talking to her he got oblivious of everything..

Even of me and I excused myself.

I decided to go to the washroom and to stay there for a while...

Till both of them ended their talk...

But when I returned Andro was nowhere to be seen... neither was Natalie there...

I asked a few guests if they knew their ware bouts but no one knew.


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