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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 10

While walking back home, I started thinking about the whole vampire episode. It was too easy to get out of their house. Too easy to believe. The most important thing is Alexander nor Oliver asked or even mentioned about what I did to Oliver in the woods. Did they just forgot or I fainted from shock and dreamed about it? Most important thing is how did they believe me so easily that I won't expose them? Oh my god! Are they keeping an eye on me or what? I looked around the woods in fear but there wasn’t even a single movement. I am just over reacting, I think. But I won’t be able to see them follow me anyways. They are way faster and better, them being hunters and all. If that's the reason though then I am so busted. Should I try using spirit power to look if they are following me or not? Let's try doing this. I closed my eyes and focused on my inner self.

I focused really hard but… nothing. I think it triggers when I am in danger or maybe I was lucky at that time or maybe I just dreamed about it. Uhhh I am so confused. I should just get back home. I don't want to go home right now. Papa will grill me alive, not literally and Ryder will most likely give me the silent treatment after checking if any of my body parts are missing. Hmm I love those two to death.

After thirty minutes of walking, I can hear the sound of the river water. I am close and I am dead tired. My body is groaning in protest. I don't know why I am feeling like someone drained every single ounce of energy out of me. I can see my cabin in the dim moon light now. Finally there. I just want to flop on the bed, curl up under the blanket and welcome the abyss of darkness. The door was just twenty feet away from me, but before I can reach their, a huge fat whale flapped on me. I went down on the ground with an omhff. When I looked up, it was none other than Ryder.

A groan escaped my mouth from exhaustion and from his weight as this said whale is sitting on me in his full glory. Only my head is out and the rest of my body is under him. I looked at his face. He looked pissed and worried at the same time. I can feel low growls coming from his chest. Gosh dude stop growling in my face. If he is like this, I don't know how papa is going to be and to tell you the truth I don't even want to know. He opened his mouth and was about to say something when we heard a loud growl.

Thank god! He is a spirit and no one can hear him or someone would have come to check here. At least the super naturals would have. I turned my head towards papa as I can't move any of my other body parts. Thanks to some ogre. Papa looked beyond pissed. Oh my! I don’t think I am going to get out of this alive. Goodbye world. Here I come oh mighty Kamisama.

"Who hurt you?" he asked looking me up and down but was obstructed by his beloved son. "Why is your energy lower than normal? What happened? Are you alright princess?" He sounded worried now.

He is not angry with me for disappearing on him like that? I breathed out a sigh of relief. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath. I turned my head towards Ryder and said,

"Do you mind?" gesturing him to get off of me with my eyes. He smiled sheepishly and got off of me. I got up in the sitting position, with a bit of an effort I may add. I feel like a demon sucked my entire energy out of me. Ryder sat behind me. I leaned by back on him facing papa and explained them everything that happened with the vampires. Papa didn't say anything at first. For some time it went dead silent.

"So you are saying you tried to calm him down before he can attack you and it actually worked?" Papa asked.

"Yes. I tried to use it again but it didn't work." I said in a tired voice.

"Okay. I think you need a trigger to use these powers or it was just by luck. But I root for trigger." Papa exclaimed. Someone looks happy.

"Mmhmm. You think I will be able to do it again?" I said with a loud yawn.

"Of course. Why not? You look like you can use a long nap. This was your first time using spirit powers. It must have drained you out. But why didn't the Knights bring it up. I mean it is nearly impossible to calm a vampire down when he is on a blood lust. This is really confusing." I let out another yawn "Go sleep. We will talk about this in the morning. Take a day off tomorrow on training. You look exhausted."

"Papa, why aren't you mad at me?" I asked confused.

"Why would I be mad at you? You almost got killed. We can't find you after your message. I was worried sick. My pup was missing. We were not able to feel you in the link. I almost had a heart attack. I mean I don’t have a heart but you got the feeling right. I was on my way to get the shifters’ help to find you, when we felt you again. We made a mad dash towards you and here we are now." Papa explained.

I got up, ran towards him and hugged him as tightly as I can. He is the best father in the world.

"Thank you for caring about me. I love you papa." I said snuggling into him.

"You are my pup. Why would you think I don't care about you?" He asked offended.

"I didn't mean it that way. It's just....... I don't know how to say it?" I said letting go of him.


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