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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 11

Sunday went in lazing around and stuffing my face with anything that I found edible. Ryder didn't leave my side except when I was bathing or using the washroom. That too he was standing right outside of the door. It feels weird to bath or pee or poop when your brother is just outside the door and with enhanced hearing to add in the embarrassment. Papa was out doing god know what. Uhhh I miss my freedom. Well I am being overly dramatic but it's really getting on my nerves now. It's Monday morning and I am on Ryder's back, on my way to school. He is dropping me off. Hehehe I am a lazy bum, so I don't mind. At least I don't have to walk all the way there.

We reached our usual place where he drops and picks me up. I got off his back. I thought he will turn around and go back home but he started walking towards the school.

"Umm where are you going?" I asked confused.

"To the school with you." He said like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

"Whaaaat? Have you lost your mind? What am I going to say in the school? Hey people this is my older brother and yes he is a transparent wolf. You can see right through him. He is going to stay by my side in the school for a few days because of some vampires lodging around us. Please be nice to him. Everyone will freak out after seeing you Ryder. I will be fine. Besides it’s a school and it's stuffed with god knows how many people. No one will harm me there. So relax and go home. I will let you know in the mind link when I get off." I stopped my rant.

"First, I am not a transparent wolf. I am a wolf spirit." he said giving an annoyed face making me giggle "Second, those vampires go to the very same school and I am not risking anything. Papa will murder me if those vampires got even near you. And no one can see me if I don't want them to. I don't know how you did it back then but it's a story for another time. Also no one can touch me. I am a spirit for god's sake. They will pass right through me. So we don't have a problem here. I know your mind is filled with questions by the looks you are giving me right now but we need to go. So get your butt to school right now or you will be late." He said amused by my reaction.

I opened my mouth to talk, but he cut me off," I am not answering any of your questions so shut your mouth and start walking. Just think that I am not here and you won't be bothered. We will talk in the mind link while we are here so you won't look stupid talking to yourself." I huffed and started walking.

How am I supposed to think that he is not here when I can see a huge freaking wolf walking by my side and people walking right through him? It's a very disturbing sight. I mean you don't get a chance to watch people passing right through your brother everyday but you don’t want to witness such scene either. I am walking in the school corridor which is filled with students, looking at Ryder passing right through people or people passing through him. My state of horror was broken though when something big and fat dropped on my back. I almost lost my balance but caught it at the last moment. The said object turned out to be none other than Aaron. He put his hand over my shoulder and Ryder growled.

'Relax. He is my best friend.' I told Ryder in the mind link. Brothers.

Ryder huffed and continued walking but now by my side. Over protective brother mode activated. I ignored him and started talking with Aaron.


"Hi." He replied.

"How was your weekend?" I asked him.

"Good. I was lazing around anyway. How about you?" he said.

A vampire almost killed me and I found out all the Knights are vampires. I lost my freedom due to those stupid vampires. There is a huge ass wolf walking by side as a proof. Other than that everything's peachy. Ryder sniggered beside me. I so want to hurl a brick at him but it will pass right through him so I won’t bother wasting my energy.

"Good." I said in a sarcastic tone. But fortunately Aaron didn’t catch it. Ryder snickered again. I completely ignored him.

The bell rang signalling to enter the class and we ran towards it. Its biology as usual with Aaron as my partner. Alexander was already in his seat talking to Elena. They looked like they knew each other pretty well. I shouldn't interfere in their matter. He smiled at me when I passed his desk. I just looked at him with a confused face as I didn't knew what to do. I sat at my desk. Aaron sat beside me. They both turned around.

Elena said," Are you alright? You look quiet tired."

"Yeah. Just caught a bit of cold." I replied.


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