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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 13

The week passed by pretty quickly and it is already Saturday. On the Monday evening, I talked to papa and Ryder about befriending the Knights. Papa was pretty much good with it. Ryder, he took on the over protective brother mode and was against of me going to the dinner today. But he came around in the end after a bit of scolding from papa. This is really weird though. The vampires inviting humans for dinner? I mean aren't we supposed to be their dinner. Well I should not judge them by their species. I am going to Elena's place first, from where we are going in her car to the Knight’s house. I was going to run their or ask Ryder to drop me off but Ryder was being a brat. Before I can say anything about how I will be coming, Elena made the current plans. Well that is fine with me too. The only problem is that I would have to see father. I hope that doesn’t happen though. I am not up to any awkward moments today or like… ever.

So, here I am outside her house or father's house about to ring the bell. There is also an unfamiliar car parked in their driveway. I think they have guests over. Should I or should I not? What am I afraid of? I didn't do anything wrong. I pressed the button of the doorbell. It rang and the door opened within a few seconds. Crap! Its father. He stared at me in surprise… I think. There was a man and a boy sitting on the living room sofa. The boy was wearing a sleeve less T-shirt and shorts. I can see a glimpse of a tattoo on his left bicep. He must be one of the shifters. He turned his head towards me. He has blue eyes and black hair with golden highlights. I turned my head towards father and asked,

"Is Elena ready Mr. Cross?" I smiled at him. Way to go girly.

"Um… she is upstairs. You can go check." Father replied a bit awkwardly.

"Do you mind calling her out? We are actually running a bit late." I said as casually as I can manage.

"Sure." He replied.

He went upstairs to call her. This is the longest civil conversation I ever had with him. Oh this is the only conversation I ever had with him. His brawling when I was ten does not count as a conversation right. The boy came towards me and extended his hand to shake.

"Hey. I am Leorio." He said smiling.

I took his hand in mine, "I am Amara."

"You look familiar. Have we met before?" He might have sensed that I am a part of his pack. He looks really confused. Hehehe. This is fun. I wonder who he is. His aura is strong, He might be Tyler or Raven.

"You might have seen me here in summer holidays. I come here every year and recently moved in this town." I replied smiling.

"Yeah I guess." He said still a bit confused.

Elena came down stairs,

"Sorry. Did you wait too long? Why are you standing outside? Come on in."

"No. I just got here. We should get going. Are you done?" I asked.

"Yup. Let's go."

She then turned towards father who was standing behind her and said,

"Dad I will be late, so don't wait for me. Bye. Love you. Bye Leo."

"Okay. Be careful. Love you too." father said to her

"Bye Elena." then Leo turned towards me "Bye Amara."


Elena and I got in her car and set off on the road. It is a twenty minutes’ drive to the Knights.

“Do you know Leo?" Elena asked.


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