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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 6

As the middle bully was about to punch Aaron I sped in front of him and caught his punch in my right hand and demanded,

"What are you doing?"

He tried to free his hand but didn't say anything. I squeezed his hand harder. He tried to punch me with his other hand but I blocked it before he could make any contact with my face. I am getting angrier by every passing second. I will probably end up redesigning his entire face. I don't want to fight on the first freaking day, but people just won’t let me be in peace. As I am adopted in the pack by the alpha himself, I am an alpha female and hold the same power as Ryder and Tyler. Normal humans can get intimidated by me when I am angry. They can feel the power radiating off of me but can't understand what it is. Their mind starts screaming danger so they get scared. That’s what papa told me, happens when I asked why people get so intimidated by me when I am angry. Some backs off after feeling that and some ends up ruining their faces. The other two backed off. Smart move. As I got sure the leader won't attack, I let go of his hands. He backed off and went out of the cafeteria with his minions on his tail. I don't like doing this to people, but it just happens. I turned towards Aaron.

"If you want to stay away from me, you can leave now. If not, let's eat. I am starving." I said to him.

"I choose eating." He said grinning.

I smiled at him and started walking towards an empty table. I never thought I would make friends here. All the friends I had back at Esterden were through Alec. I miss him so much. As we were eating my phone went off. It was Aunt Clair. I picked it up.

"Hey Aunt Clair. What's up?" I said.

"Hi honey. How are things there? Did you settle in properly? Anyone bullying you? Did you made any friends?" She fired away. Yeah I got that quality from her.

I started laughing. She starts blabbering whenever she is worried or nervous or excited. Yeah she is one hyper aunt I got there. But I love her to bits.

"Things are going great here. School is good too and no one is bullying me. I did make a friend. His name is Aaron. We have every class together. Its lunch right now and it is about to end so I can't talk too long. I will call you back after school." I replied chuckling.

"Oh thank god.” She said sighing loudly. I love that women so much. “I was so worried about you. It's okay honey we will talk later. Don’t forget to call me though.” I hummed in reply “Would you pass your phone to Elena, Emma wants to talk to her. She is leaving today. Elena's phone is unreachable. I don't know why." she said in a cold voice. I can sense a cat fight. Aunt Clair was mad at mother and father about the current arrangements. I hope they won’t fight over me.

"Sure. Wait a second." I replied.

Aunt Clair does not like how my mother treats me but she was happy at the same time because she got to keep me. Now, with me living here her anger seems to overpower the happiness. I got up and walked towards Elena. Every head on the table turned towards me and started staring at me. What did I do now? Elena turned to face me and I gave her my phone.


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