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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 7

The week went by pretty quickly and it was already Friday. This past week was a very interesting one. Elena made small conversations with me, which went quiet good I must say. We are somewhat on a talking terms now and I can actually call us casual friends. She invited me and Aaron to her lunch table yesterday. All of us including her, her friends, Aaron and I got along pretty well. I am at the diner working my shift right now. School ended few hours ago. The diner is almost packed, today being Friday. The town people come here with their family to have dinner sometimes on Fridays and the weekends.

The bell chimed signalling that someone came and sat on one of the tables assigned to me as others were already occupied. I finished serving the family I was currently attending to and started walking towards the customer that just arrived. Their backs were towards me. It was a man and a girl. I stopped beside their table and took my notepad out without looking at their faces. I put my best smile and looked up from the notepad and asked them,

"Good evening. I am Amara and I will be serving you today. What can I get you?" The smile slowly slipped off of my face.

Holly shit. I stood there in shock. They were father and Elena. Father looked up from the menu and he was shocked as well but he recovered from it quickly and a stony look settled on his face.

"I would like a Hamburger and a cappuccino." he said in a hard voice.

I wrote it down, turned my attention towards Elena and asked her what she would like. She said,

"A medium rare stake and hot chocolate."

I gave her a smile and wrote it down.

"Your order will be here in fifteen minutes."


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