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A Love Reawakened: The Alpha's Regret (Angela) novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140
"Commander Mika?"
I half screamed as I stared at the Beta in the middle of the house.
I wasn't expecting to see any familiar faces at that place.
After Gideon told me about how deadly the place was, I was expecting the worst.

Maybe I'd be lucky to leave the place alive. I'd thought.
"Don't look so surprised to see me here,"
Mika waved off my shock as if it was nothing.
"Gideon told me only deadly people stay here," I blurted out.
Mika raised an eyebrow.
"Gideon was only messing with you. This isn't the Seekers," Mika finally told me and I took a deep breath.

If this wasn't The Seekers, then where was it?
"This is the fighter's training house. It's big and fancy but don't be deceived by the look. Almost every door leads to a fighting and training room. We have level 1 for beginners, level 2 for intermediate fighters and it continues like that to level 5,"
All she said didn't make sense to me.

"What about the punishment? Am I not getting punished?"
Mika shrugged. "Alpha Rowan suddenly changed his mind and asked for you to be brought here instead. I guess you'll be punished another day,"
"Why am I here now?"
I asked her. I really wished I could see Alpha Rowan so I could question him about his decisions.
Was he messing with me?
"To join our fighters. As originally planned,"

"Will I live here now? There were two rooms on my paper," I asked since I never got to solve the mystery surrounding that one.
She cocked her eyebrow and gave me a side look.
"Just stick to your one room tonight,"
She advised. I nodded. "The other room was a temporary error, she added.
I frowned at the term 'temporary error' What does that even mean?

"What level do you think you are in fighting? Level 1 or 2 or 3," Mika suddenly asked as we walked towards a row of doors.
"I honestly don't know how to fight,"
I lied again. This time, I held tightly to the hem of my shirt as if it could save me.

"You know how to hunt, right?" I smiled nervously. "Then, it shouldn't be hard to fight. Just think of the other person as an animal you want on your dinner plate,"
My eyes opened wide. Was she just asking me to kill?
"That's extreme," I murmured under my breath.

"Just take it easy,"
She advised.
I shook my head ferociously. "I can't do it," I said.
I've already done one thing to jeopardize my mission. I couldn't afford to make any other mistakes. I couldn't go back home without saving Luke. He was my love and saving him was the first thing on my list. That's how it was supposed to be.

"Drag her in by the hair if you have to,"
A new, deep voice commanded from behind me.
I turned to see Alpha Rowan standing there with Gideon.
"She's a bit reluctant,"
Rowan stared at me for a second before he looked away.
That one second felt like forever. Something about him pulled me to him but I just don't know what.
"I'm sure she remembers the agreement we had, it's either she fights with us or she leaves us. You have just three minutes to make that decision,"
Rowan and Gideon opened the door to my right and walked into the room, disappearing as if he was never there.
Mika looked at me and shrugged before she followed them.

I couldn't walk away.
I had to save Luke. That was my responsibility as his betrothed. I bit down on my lips and counted my fingers, trying to think about the chances.
I looked around the building one more time and my eyes glued to a painting hanging by the wall.
Why did it look so familiar? Why does the stroke feel like mine? A stupid, ridiculous image flashed through my head and I closed my eyes, pushing the thoughts to the back of my head. There was no way I could paint or draw.
Slowly and reluctantly, I followed Mika's footsteps and opened the door. She wasn't kidding, it was truly a training room.

It was a vast, rugged space. The walls were made of dark stone, scratched and scarred from countless fights. The floor was covered with thick mats for hand-to-hand combat, but parts of it had been torn open with claws. In one corner, there's a rack of weapons-swords, axes, and specially designed arm guards. It was nothing like I'd seen before. They were weapons I'd always wished to have but could never get. Heavy punching bags and dummies shaped like beasts are scattered across the room, their surfaces clawed and shredded from training sessions.
If Level 2 looked like this, what would Level 5 look like?

A strange lady was standing in the middle of the ring.
Rowan was sitting far away from the ring with his eyes glued at a punching bag.
The moment I walked in, Mika urged me to walk closer.
"Welcome to level 2, Harri. If you fail, we'll take you back to level 1. If you pass, you move forward to level 3 but if there's a tie, you stay here."

A tie? Was that even possible? The lady I was about to fight looked more muscular than I was. She looked as though she'd trained all her life.
"What do you say?" Mika asked.

"This is unfair," I complained bitterly. "This is ridiculous. I can work in your kitchen,"
Mika smirked. "Everyone's got a role around here and from the report we've received from the kitchen, since you've helped around there, you hate it,"

I hated kitchen duties but if Luke hadn't gotten stabbed, I would've learned to love kitchen duties because that would be my new life.
Mika collected my bag and patted my shoulder.


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