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His Purchased Wife novel Chapter 151

Susan's heart stopped beating for a moment. "What do you mean?"

Before Aurora could speak Emily entered her cabin with a smile on her face which ceased when she felt the thickness in the atmosphere of the cabin.

"Is everything alright?" She drawled suspiciously.

"No, actually I wanted to talk to you as well, Emily," Aurora said, turning to her.

Emily scowled. "What about?"

"Did you know about Susan blocking Gabriel's contact in my phone?"

Emily glanced at Susan's ashen face. "Yes, I knew it and I h…" Before she could complete the sentence Susan interrupted her.

"She asked me not to do it but I warned her not to interfere or tell you, she didn't want me to interfere in your life. It was my decision, Aurora. She has nothing to do with her."

Emily opened her mouth to speak but closed it again when Susan shook her head. "You could have told me Em! Why did you not do it?" She gulped emotionally.

Aurora moved closer to Susan, her eyes were shining with tears. Aurora forced herself not to cry but she needed to do this. Susan needed to learn her boundaries. "We can't be friends anymore, Susan. I am sorry but I don't want a friend who didn't know how to respect my personal space."

Susan went numb. Her whole life was based on Aurora. She recalled how her mother asked Susan to take care of Aurora like an elder sister. She said that she was leaving Aurora in her care.

A lone tear rolled down Aurora's cheek. "How could you say that? Does our relationship hold this little value in your eyes Aurora? Yes, Interfere in your life but I did it for you! Because I love you, I wanted to protect you, save you from an unhappy relationship and you are breaking our friendship over a relationship which no longer exists!"

Aurora's own heart was crushed by her words. Susan was not only a friend she was her soul sister. She loved her but this time she needed to be firm about her decision. "Yes, Susan I am breaking our friendship but it has nothing to with Gabriel or my relationship. It's because you did the same thing you accused Gabriel of doing. If he was trying to control me then so were you! Every time you interfere in my things, a little bit of interference is healthy, I accept it but what you did was not. My dad loves me too but have you ever seen him interfering in my life? No, because he knew my boundaries. He wanted me to marry Liam but when I denied he accepted my decision, Susan and I wants the same thing from you. But if you can't give it to me then…"

Susan was enraged. "Then what? You will break up with me? Huh!" She demanded fiercely.


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