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His Purchased Wife novel Chapter 41

Aurora POV:-

I took a shaky breath, blood rushed into my cheek as the feeling of saving myself erupted in my mind but I knew if I even moved a step from him he was going to punish me even more brutal than he already did.

"Liam…" I whispered, almost begging in my small fear-filled voice but the look, the darkness in his eyes didn't let me finish the sentence.

His grip on my jaw tightened painfully. I squeezed my eyes shut-in pain. He pushed me and I fell on my bum.

Oh, God! Was he going to...No, No? He won't touch me like that. He was not that bad. I tried to calm my mind but to no avail.

I was numb, he didn't look in the right mindset at that moment. I crawled back when he came to my level and he pulled my leg towards him. I screamed in fear, tried to kick him but he grabbed both my legs in his left hand and yanked me towards him.

I couldn't even scream, words refuse to come out of my mouth. The only thing which told me that I was alive was my rapid breathing. I was in the middle of a panic attack.

I shivered in fear when I felt his hand on my waist. He was feeling my waist with his hands touching me. I was lying on the sand and he was on top of me. His breathing was the only thing I could hear after the sound of splashing waves on the beach.

Numb! That's what I was at this moment. But when I felt his hand on my bosom, a heart-wrenching sob left my mouth and tears rolled out of the corner of my eyes.

I waited for the worst thing to come. I waited for him to steal me of my virtue but nothing like that happened. After some time when I didn't feel his hands on my body anymore, I gained enough sense that he was just lying on my body and breathing harshly.

A hope bloomed in my soul. Maybe, maybe he won't go that far.

I heard him taking a sharp breath. I didn't say anything, just laid under him motionless. I didn't want him to snap out of whatever he was feeling right now in fear of getting the worst treatment.

He got off me and kicked the sand violently and screamed in rage. I jumped in fear and ran from there. I ran to save myself from that man and didn't stop running even when I wanted to stop. kept running with my wobbly jelly-like legs.

I looked back, he was not after me and I fell to the ground. My legs refused to run and gave up, I was breathing through my mouth as my breathing turned rapid due to continuous running.

Finally, when my panting calmed I looked around and screamed in my mind.

I was lost! I had no idea where I was because on the beach there was at least some hope that someone would come and save me but here there is no such hope like that!

Now, I was surrounded by nothing but a jungle. There were plants, shrubs and trees around me. I cried about my fate, what was I going to do now? I didn't know what I was going to do now? My future looked blank at this moment and I was sure that I couldn't live my life like early men used to live. Even the aspect of living here whole my life scared me shitless.

I just prayed to the third power that Susan and Emily call my dad. I knew that he would do everything in his power to save me from this jungle.

I gulped. I was stinking with sweat and bad breath. Hygiene was the last thing on my mind right now. My throat felt dry. I was thirsty and even gulping down felt painful now.

I needed water to drink or I would faint here out of dehydration. I looked around myself to find some source of water. I have watched enough jungle movies that I know there is always a freshwater source somewhere because the animal needed water to drink as well.

And then my stomach dropped almost painfully. Animals! My eyes broadened at the aspect of some animal attacking me. I shrieked in pain, imagining a tiger ripping me apart for its food and I pulled my legs to my chest as a cry left my mouth.

"No, Aurora calm down! There is no lion or tiger here." I told myself to calm my anxiety.

"You have to go back to the beach, Aurora," I ordered myself. The pep talk was the only thing that kept me sane here.

I nodded and managed to stand up. My legs were still wobbly but here no one was going to take care of me. I have to do that on my own. I was searching around to see where to go because I had no idea in which direction I took while running from that man.

I had no idea how much time passed since I started searching for the way out of this jungle. I was tired and sweaty and hungry. With no other option, I sat down on a stone, my back touching the stem of a tree.


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