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His Purchased Wife novel Chapter 43

"Goddamnit!" Aurora heard someone roar in anger.

I knew this touch, it's him. The monster! Why has he scooped me in his arms? I wanted this sleep to fly away but no, I was still engulfed with darkness. What was happening, what was he doing?

She felt scared for herself because the man was not less than a maniac. She wanted to run away from him but couldn't because she felt sleepy. She wanted to open her eyes but as if someone had glued them together. She couldn't open her eyes. Suddenly, she was lifted from the wetness.

Aurora was somewhere in between awake and sleepiness. She was still hallucinating, she couldn't open her eyes but she could hear and feel or so she thinks.

Aurora wanted to get away from him, from his touch but couldn't, she tried to speak but it felt as if her mouth was filled with cotton.

She felt him slap her face, "Aurora, open your eyes, can you listen to me?" He asked, there was an urgency in his voice. It felt as if he was worried for her but how was that possible when he just tried to douse her in the ocean.

"Fuck! Open your fucking eyes and answer me goddamnit!" He let out sharply ordering her. Aurora tried to obey because she feared his punishment but as if her body denied following the command her brain sent it.

Aurora was laying there on the beach like a lifeless body and Liam was angry at himself for being too hard on her. He should have tried some other way to get her out of that drunken state.

"Aurora, open your bloody eyes!" He ordered her again. She felt his voice waver ever so slightly but she knew that her mind was playing games with her because as far as she knew, Liam knight's voice never shook. How could it be, the man was nothing but a heartless monster!

Again, Aurora wanted to heed his order but again her body was not allowing her to do it. She could feel him rubbing her palms, she liked the heat it gave to her body.

Yes, she was shivering in the cold. First, the toxic berries and now Liam's method of getting her out of that inebriated state proved more dangerous to her body than he thought.

Liam knight, for the first time in his life, couldn't word what he was feeling right now or even if he knew he didn't want to acknowledge it. He didn't want to name it.

Because guilt was something he never felt and now he was having that feeling, The feeling of guilt!

Yes, For the first time in his life, Liam knight was feeling guilty. He should have used some other means but he acted out of anger. And now, laid in front of him, his shivering future wife. The woman who he claimed as his, the woman who drives him crazy with her constant tantrums and childishness and her beauty. When Liam saw her for the first time at that jewellery exhibition he was lost. She was not less than an angel, with golden hair and a red dress. She looked beautiful than any goddess. Beauty was one thing, Liam had seen far more beautiful girls than her but it was her attitude which attracted her.

Yes, the vixen gave Liam Knight, the future don of Vancouver crime family a cold shoulder when he asked the host to introduce him to her. He tried twice and both the times she refused to acknowledge him. It hurt Liam's ego and it was decided then and there that he would make her his, no matter what means he used. Aurora Kings was his now even if he had to start a bloody war with her father Ethan king for her.

He will bloody do it! But today the girl he chose was laying on the beach, shivering in the cold and it's all because of him.

He was furious at the situation, at himself. He eyed her body, she needed to get out of her wet clothes and more than that she needed warmth.

Liam clamped his face with his palm, rubbing it in apprehension. He would not have undressed her in this condition but the situation demanded it and he had no other option left. Yes, he was a monster, killing and maiming was his favourite part-time fun but he didn't touch unwilling girls.

Making them come to him willingly to please him was the way he liked. If some girl denies, they can leave it to come back later because they had issues to solve which couldn't be solved without his help or intervention. Liam was a bastard but at least he had some rules, whether one believes in them or not. He did!

Aurora felt him touching the hem of her dress, she wanted to snatch her dress away from him but she couldn't. So she screamed in her mind for him to leave her alone, not to touch her but, of course, he didn't listen to her unspoken words.

She wanted to cry when she felt him getting her out of her dress, she was almost naked in front of him.

"We need to warm you up, Aurora!"

She heard him, the monster. Warm me up? But why?

Aurora felt herself floating one more time, this time not in the water but air.

Air! How could I float in the air? Am I flying? Aurora asked herself.

She was confused, what was happening to her. She wanted to stand up but she was still sleepy. Suddenly she felt herself being dipped into a soft bed.

Soft bed! Wait, I was on the island? How did I end up on the bed then?

There were a lot of questions she asked herself but there were no answers to them.

Liam patted her cheek one more time, "Aurora can you hear me!" He asked again but she didn't answer. He eyed her soft body and gritted his jaw. He needed to dress her and there was nothing else except for his clothes so he slipped her into his shirt which ended up on her thighs.

Aurora started shivering violently, Liam was trying to warm her up with whatever means he could but he was failing miserably. He rubbed the back of his neck and decided that there was no other way to warm her except one.

He needed to give her body heat, with no other option left he joined his body to hers by pulling her in his arms...


"What do you mean you still haven't found anything about Aurora? I don't know anything, I want my friend here, do you understand me?" Susan snapped at Katie and another cruise staff who were trying to calm her down but she was enraged.

"Look mam, we are trying our best…" Katie started but Emily cut her off.

"I don't give a damn about your trying! If you don't find my friend soon I promise I will sue you and your company."


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