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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 19

Quincy wandered around the school alone when Carlotta called. Quincy answered, "Captain, you are training in the western playground again. I will go over now!"

Carlotta had nothing else to do with Quincy, so she must call to ask him to go to the playground to move clothes.

Carlotta said with contempt, "You think like a loser. Holy shit! I don't think the whole school has anyone more like a loser than you. I'm not calling you to move things today. Now, come over to GD drink station right now."

After that, she hung up the phone.

Quincy was puzzled. What else could she possibly want?

He quickly walked out of school.

GD drink station was a café selling fancy drinks near JM University. Normally, only relatively wealthier students from JM University would visit it.

Quincy walked into the shop and spotted Carlotta. Carlotta was still dressed beautifully in a youthful style: jeans, flat shoes and her brown hair and sophisticated makeup.

"Captain, are you alone?" Quincy said in surprise.

"What's wrong with me being alone" Carlotta was a little pissed off.

"Sir, would you like something to drink?" A waiter came and asked respectfully.

"You don't need to ask him. He hasn't been here before." Carlotta said to the waiter, "Just get him a cappuccino."

Carlotta sipped her coffee while scanning Quincy with her eyes, quietly considering whether Quincy was suitable for her plan in her mind.

As for Quincy, he felt uncomfortable being stared by Carlotta like this and was skeptical about Carlotta's sudden visit.

There was a glimmer of smile in Carlotta's eyes as if she was very satisfied with Quincy.

Carlotta looked at Quincy and said, "I'll cut to the chase, I want you to be my cousin's boyfriend!"


Quincy was slightly shocked. Quincy had heard from her that Carlotta's cousin was over age and unmarried. Her family was pushing and the point is she's pretty.

"Captain, be serious." In Carlotta's eyes, he was just a poor loser. How could she possibly let him be her cousin's boyfriend?

"I'm not joking at all!" Carlotta glared at Quincy, "My cousin doesn't have much demand regarding her boyfriend as long as he is an honest and compliant person, then she would consider. I think you meet the standards perfectly!"

"But" Quincy's heart was filled with suspicion.

"But what? Don't act like I am taking advantages of you when I ask you to be her boyfriend!" Carlotta said dominantly, "If you have something to say, swallow it. Just shut up and be her boyfriend!"

"Alright, you sit here. My cousin will come over in a bit. Behave yourself!" After saying that, Carlotta took her phone and walked outside to call her cousin.

"Hey, are you almost here?"

"Almost. I'm 1 or 2 kilometers away." Carlotta's cousin was driving over. "I asked you to help me find the person, have you found him?"

"Of course. He's in GD drink station right now." Carlotta said proudly, "Sis, I assure you that the person I've found for you is a total loser. You can't find any one worse than him in our school! If you meet him on the street, you absolutely would think he's a worker from a construction site instead of a college student!"

"That's good! Now I am more confident that I could score Dalton Brooks. "Her cousin said happily.

"Sis, I don't understand. If you want Dalton, why do you have to find a loser to pretend to be your boyfriend? Dalton is just at your fingertips if you want him, right?" Carlotta did not understand what her cousin was doing.

"You are so naïve. Dalton is a manager. He earns a million yuan a year, much more than me. Although he likes me, he still holds the initiative. If I want to turn this situation around, I have to make him feel insecure. Only in this way can he propose to me as soon as possible."

"But why do you have to find a loser?" Carlotta still couldn't figure it out.

"Silly girl, think about it. If even a loser can be my boyfriend, but he, Dalton, can't. Doesn't that mean that Dalton can't even compare to a loser? He will be jealous. In this way, he will cherish me more and we will be closer soon."

"You are the smart one." Carlotta finally understood her intentions.

Less than a minute after she hanged up, a black Buick stopped at the entrance of GD drink station. A tall woman got out of the car. She had long wavy hair, slender figure, and her two long legs were wrapped in black stockings!

As soon as she got out, she immediately became the center of attention. The passers-by all looked at this beautiful woman who looked like a model.

"Sis." Carlotta called out to the beauty and quickly walked towards her.


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