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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 25

After Quincy left, the sunglasses lady reacted. The villa she liked had already been bought.

She couldn't help but feel sad and burst into tears on the spot!

Living in Green Island Mall was a symbol of wealth. Now, she didn't grasp such a good opportunity to be the nobs.

The man in white vest on the side was sad. He was mourning for the house he missed in his heart. However, Quincy's strength was not something he could compare to. Losing to Quincy was convincing.

At this time, another beautiful woman dressed in business attire walked into the sales department. She was Krista's aunt, Sweeney.

"Why are you crying?" She quickly walked towards the sunglasses lady and asked worriedly.

When the sunglasses lady heard Sweeney's voice, her heart was broken again. Originally, she had called Sweeney here today to show off and belittle her. However, now that Quincy had bought the villa. She couldn't show off. Wasn't this a joke for Sweeney?

"Nothing, there is sand in my eyes." The lady in sunglasses immediately stopped crying.

Sand? Where did this sales department get the sand?

Sweeney praised, "Do you buy a villa here? It's really amazing. The people living in this neighborhood are all big shots in JM City."

"You know, we will live here in the future. And we will be the upper class in JM City! Living here is called the life. There is no other place to be suitable for us." The woman in sunglasses said arrogantly. In order not to embarrass herself in front of Sweeney, she decided to lie and claim that she had bought the villa.

Seeing this scene, the sales lady on the side had a look of distain. This woman had the face to say that she bought a villa in our community? Just now, she was crying like her parents were dead. What would she do when others wanted to see her house?

After Quincy left the sales department, he decided to purchase the car. A super rich man should own a car.

Quincy went straight to the JM City Auto Show Center, where there were the most advanced and best-performing cars in the world.

Quincy strolled around the center and saw a top-grade Ferrari. It had beautiful appearance, and its performance was the most advanced at present.

The salesperson said this Ferrari can also be customized for customers. Quincy wanted to buy it, so he told the salesperson that he wanted a custom-made Ferrari, and all the parts must be the best.

The salesman thought that Quincy was a psycho until Quincy asked Bailey to transfer half of the 38 million to their company account.

The salesman was dumbfounded, almost wanting to kneel down to Quincy. His attitude had changed. The manager and other salesmen gathered around Quincy and looked at him respectfully like their own father.

In the end, all the employees of the garage applauded and sent Quincy out. The passersby, who didn't know the situation, thought that it was a leader of the government had come to inspect the garage!

Quincy let out a sigh of relief when he walked far away. Didn't he just buy a car?

He was just about to take a taxi back to school when he received a call from Loren. The phone number was the last time Loren saved it for him.

Loren said that she was looking for him. Quincy had nothing to do now, so he agreed.

Soon, Loren drove a Mercedes-Benz to find Quincy.

"Young Master Quincy, get in the car!" Rolling down the window, Loren smiled and said to Quincy.

Today, Loren had long wavy hair and wore an elegant dress. She looked very charming. Quincy was shocked for a moment and got in the car.

"Miss Loren, what do you want me for?"

"You'll know later!" Loren smiled mysteriously.

Starting the car, the Mercedes-Benz began to drive on the broad streets of JM City.

A black seat belt slanted in front of Loren's chest, highlighting her D cup. As the car moved, it shook slightly.

Quincy's gaze had been focused on her chest for 80% of the time since he got on the car. He looked at it and swallowed. He felt his body was a little hot.

Loren felt that the seat belt was a little tight, so she reached out and pulled on the seat belt in front of her chest.

With a pull, her 36D breasts were down and then bounced up.

Quincy coughed violently after seeing that, and his nose was bleeding.

"Young Master Quincy, what's wrong with you?" Loren asked. She was very pleased that her body was quite attractive to Young Master Quincy.


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