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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 27

Carlotta and the others quickly came to the parking lot. After taking a look, they found that a G-class Mercedes-Benz was badly dented.

Standing behind the crowd, Quincy frowned when he found that it was his car. 'Eddie, you are a fool. Just now, you bragged about your driving skills while eating. But you even scratched my car while backing yours out! You are a jinx.'

"This G-class Mercedes-Benz is worth at least 1 million yuan. Given the dent, Eddie needs to pay at least 45,000 yuan for it."

"If only I had driven the car, I definitely wouldn't cause it. No one has expected it."

"He has to pay tens of thousands. Who the hell can afford it?"

"He should blame himself. If he had been careful, he wouldn't have hit this car. There is so much space."


Eddie, who was in a bad mood, was even more annoyed on hearing their reproaches. Now, he was so angry that he really wanted to stitch up their mouths.

"Brat, you are unlucky. I once saw this car at the auto show. It's a high-quality version imported from Germany, worth over 4 million yuan. You may pay at least 100,000 this time." A sports car stopped in front of everyone. The man in the car commented and gave Eddie a thumb-up with a bad smile. Then, he drove away.


Eddie's heart missed a beat. His legs went limp, as if he got an electric shock, and he almost dropped on the ground.

Although his family was rich, 100,000 was a huge sum of money for him! If his father found it out, his father would definitely beat him up!

Noticing Eddie's emotions, other fellows stopped commenting. They just sighed.

Eddie was a man with high self-esteem, not wanting to show his weakness in front of others. He decided that even if he would be beaten up by his father, he couldn't let others look down on him.

At this moment, Quincy said, "You can run away. No one else has seen you do it. I think that since the owner of this car can afford to buy such a car, he won't care about your 100,000 yuan."

Eddie put on a sad expression, as if his parents had died just now, which amused Quincy. To tell the truth, he really didn't take this matter seriously. More importantly, they had been staying here, so he couldn't drive his car.

"What are you thinking? Don't you see that there are surveillance cameras all around? It will be even more embarrassing if you hit other people's cars and run away. Do you understand?"

Carlotta said with a frown.

"I disdain you. You wear cheap clothes, but I have never expected you to be so vulgar. I think if you hit someone else's car today, you will definitely run away. You are at least a college student. Can you be decent?"

Eddie sneered, saying, "Do you think I cannot afford it? I can get an allowance of 100,000 every two months. It's not a big deal."

If Eddie could get an allowance of 100,000 every two months, he wouldn't have been so scared just now. In fact, Eddie would only be given 3,000 to 4,000 yuan per month. It would take him two years to save 100,000.

The others immediately began to boast that Eddie was rich, making a crack that Quincy had no couth.

"Let's go. Stop bothering with them." Ciel couldn't listen any longer. They started attacking Quincy before entering the restaurant and continued while eating. Now, they were still judging Quincy. Did they get into the habit of bullying him?

Holding Quincy's hand, Ciel walked out without showing respect to the others.

"Ciel, don't leave. We'll go to the KTV later." Carlotta quickly stopped Ciel.

"If you go with Quincy, you need to take the bus. But if you follow us, you can take the limousine!" Alvis and Eddie also hurriedly asked her to stay. They were both interested in Ciel. Since Ciel wanted to leave with Quincy, they were jealous.

"No need. You guys can just go and have fun. I'll go back with Quincy. I don't like limousine. Actually, buses are quite comfortable." Ciel was determined, having no intention to turn around.

"What's going on?" At this moment, the parking attendant walked over. Noticing so many people gathered here, he was filled with suspicion. Having squeezed past the crowd, he immediately became furious. Pointing at the G-class Mercedes, he asked threateningly, "Who did this?"

Eddie admitted that he accidentally scraped the car.

"You really are a genius. How can you scratch the car at such large place? You do impress me." The parking attendant said mockingly, "Stay here. No one can leave. When the owner comes, you should compensate him for the loss."

Noticing that this parking attendant was the one who helped him park the car, Quincy held Ciel's hands and asked her to leave with him secretly.

Just as what he was afraid of, he attracted the attention of the parking attendant when he and Ciel were running.


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