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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 32

Quincy called Jane as soon as he was a distance away and asked for Jane's location as he rushed over to her.

Quincy saw Jane at a small alley near the school. She was holding onto a small notebook and scribbling something on it.

"Jane, what are you writing?" Quincy walked over and took over Jane's notebook. Ten plus notes on rental were on the notebook.

"MG block, studio, 450 yuan per month, utilities not included…"

"LT Hutong unit 14, 400 yuan per month …"

"If I go through a real estate agent, I'll have to pay a month's rental for their fees. I don't have that much money. I have nothing to do today anyway so I'm searching by myself. It's just that the apartments near the school are too expensive and I've not found anything suitable. But I will continue to persevere, I'm sure I can find one." Jane smiled sweetly and took over the notebook to continue jotting down the rental advertisements posted on the wall.

Quincy's heart went out to Jane when he observed her concentrating as she copied down the information.

"Stop copying. The information on these small advertisements is unreliable. You might even encounter those swindlers." Quincy covered Jane's small notebook with his hand.

"Ah… then what should I do?" Jane became slightly flustered. To Quincy, that muddle-headed expression was so adorable. He couldn't help himself and gently pinched Jane's cheeks. Jane looked down as her face blushed in red.

"Relax, yesterday I had found an apartment for you. The price is rather cheap and near to Green Island Mall. Let's take a taxi over there right now!"

"Really?" Jane's heart rejoiced unexpectedly. Green Island Mall was JM City's most upscale residential complex. How can the nearby rental be cheap?

"Green Island Mall isn't far. Let's walk over there." She quickly said when she saw Quincy preparing to call for a taxi.

She knew that Quincy wasn't rich and doesn't want him to spend money unnecessarily.

"Okay, let's walk." Quincy still doesn't want to reveal his identity. It was enjoyable to walk over with Jane.

"Ouch." Quincy heard Jane yell after walking a few steps and he quickly asked Jane what was the matter.

"Perhaps I walked too much today. It's okay. Just let me rest for 5 minutes and we can continue!" Jane left school at 6 in the morning to look for apartments. She had already walked for almost 4 hours. It was no surprise that her legs hurt!

Quincy pursed his lips and his heart ached for her. How resilient was this silly girl!

"I'll give you a piggyback ride!" Quincy said and half squatted in front of Jane. He patted his shoulders and Jane shyly climbed up and Quincy carried her on his back.

Jane felt reassured and secure when she leaned onto Quincy's sturdy back.

Quincy's hands held onto Jane's thighs. Initially, he didn't think much of it but slowly, Quincy's attention shifted towards the tender area.

She was very light, perhaps not even 50 kg?

'My hands are touching her legs. They are so soft. This fragrance must be from her body. Damn, Quincy oh Quincy, how can you think of these? What will Jane think of you if she knew?'

Quincy drove away those foul thoughts and carried Jane quickly towards Green Island Mall.

Jane was too tired and fell asleep on Quincy's back when they arrived at Green Island Mall. Quincy gently carried her to the villa worth more than 6 million yuan.

Quincy placed Jane onto a large soft bed. Jane looked so peaceful and beautiful when she was asleep. That fair-skinned face, pink lips, petite body, all enticed a man to fantasize. Quincy sat on one side and felt that quietly watching her was a form of enjoyment.

After about an hour, Jane rubbed her eyes and woke up. She looked at Quincy smiling at her. Her heart skipped a beat and noticed her surroundings.

The spacious room, brown wooden door, gold plated chandeliers, huge full panel windows. Jane had never seen such a luxurious room.

"Where is this place?" Jane sat up immediately and her heart raced.

"Don't worry, this is the place I told you about. You don't have to worry about the rental. This is my friend's house. He is not here in these few days and you can stay here!" Quincy hastily explained to Jane.

"This isn't convenient, is it?" Jane said softly, although she loved that place.

"What's the problem?" Quincy laughed heartily and didn't give Jane a chance to refuse as he led her around for a tour.

"Do you like this place?" Quincy asked.


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