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Instant Millionaire novel Chapter 7

Milo and Rocco were excited, "Bravo."

The broadcasting room was filled with admiration messages.

"Handsome Guy: This is what a rich second generation should be like!"

"Successful Businessman: What a great man! He must be someone with lots of experience!"

"Playboy: Give him a thumb up! He is much better than some self-righteous rich second generations. Excellency, can you tell me what kind of business you have?"

Yair had been silent for a long time.

A system message jumped out.

"One Day is out of the broadcasting room."

Yair slipped away, and the others began to laugh at him.

"Amani, who is Excellency?" A girl appeared in the live stream and hugged Amani.

This girl had long hair and a pointed chin, with a faint makeup. She was very beautiful and behaved naturally in the live stream. Her charming gaze towards the camera made people's hearts throbbing.

"Babies, this is my roommate Vicky, a famous beauty in our school. Subscribe me and I can give you her WeChat (an instant-messaging application) number." Amani held Vicky's hand and said sweetly.

Vicky was watching Amani's live stream. When she saw Excellency sending out 11 Transcendental Warships in one go, she was no longer calm. Of course, she was interested in this rich guy. If Excellency was Amani's friend, she wanted to know him.

"Amani, you haven't answered me yet. Who is he?" Vicky directly sat in front of the camera, wanting to let Excellency to look clearly at her.

Amani shook her head, "I really don't know. He just came today. Excellency, are you still there?"

"Yes," Excellency answered.

Vicky was delighted and excited. She blocked in the front, "Excellency, you were so handsome. You actually gave so many gifts in one time. Actually, I'm going to start my live stream as well. Will you come and see me then?"

"Quincy, stop watching. Vicky is so greedy that she immediately takes action when meets rich people. What a shameless girl!" Milo admonished Quincy. Quincy was definitely watching Amani's live stream.

Quincy ignored him and was still staring at the screen.


Amani stopped Vicky in displeasure. Why hadn't she known that Vicky was planning to start a live stream? Was she snatching her fans?

Vicky ignored Amani and continued, "Excellency, I'm still single. I think we might hit it off. If possible, we can get to know each other better."

Her bashful expression was truly charming.

Excellency answered, "Are you still single?"

Vicky was slightly shocked. Being single was somewhat abnormal for such a beautiful girl like her. In order to gain favorable impression, she had to pretend to be single.

It would be definitely more attractive to men.

She pretended to be timid, "I haven't had a boyfriend yet."

"Vicky, didn't you just break up with Quincy and are dating Vincent now?" Amani asked.

Amani knew Vicky was hypocritical. Normally, she didn't care about it. Now that Excellency had given her such expensive gifts, how could she allow him to be cheated?

Vicky did not expect to be caught in a lie directly. She felt extremely embarrassed and only smiled.

"Actually... Vincent and I are just... good friends. As for Quincy, I went to help him do experiments out of kindness. As for my relationship with him... It was fake news..."

Vicky finally came up with an excuse. In order to show her "purity", she could only tell lies.

"Excellency, if you want to know more about Vicky, my WeChat number is..." Before she could finish, Excellency was out of the broadcasting room.

Amani and Vicky were both down.

Quincy turned off the phone and looked at the wall absentmindedly. He was recalling the scene of what Vicky had said.

After all, he had been with Vicky for a year. Vicky's words stabbed into his heart like a dagger.

It turned out that their relationship was all fake!

He forced a wry smile.


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