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Matter of Love novel Chapter 17

Looking at Bess's tearful eyes, Leona felt a burst of sadness. She could imagine the hardships of a young woman bringing up a child without anything to depend on. But Leona was still very angry, since they all abandoned her, why would they give birth to her at that time? For the past 19 years, she had suffered from endless rolled eyes and cold words?

"However, I don't expect you to forgive me, and I don't expect you to call me mom. I know I don't deserve that. But please don't be sad about this. I wanted to take a look at you from a distance, but I couldn't help it. I want to say something to you, even just listen to your voice. And I will often come to see you in the future. If you don't like it, I can just stand in the distance and watch you, okay? If you meet any difficulties in the future, I will try my best to help you... " Said Bess, looking at Leona expectantly.

These years, after she gave birth to Leona, Bess couldn't get pregnant again. She didn't feel so eager when she was young, but as she grew older, Bess looked forward to seeing her child. But Bess wasn't sure whether Leona would forgive her after what she had done to her.

Leona was in a total mess. Although she always held a grudge against Bess, she had to admit that Bess was her biological mother. Blood was thicker than water. Seeing Bess crying like a child in front of her, Leona felt bad, too.

Realizing that Bess had left her without other choice at that time, Leona's heart was softened, but for a moment Leona was still unable to call out mom. Leona stuttered, "I, umm, don't cry. If you have time, you can come to see me at any time!"

Hearing her words, Bess looked up with tears in her eyes and asked in surprise, "really? Can I really come to see you? Are you willing to forgive me? "

Hearing that, Leona sighed slightly and said, "Since I've grown up, it's useless to care about those. Although I didn't totally understand you at that time, the most important thing right now is to cherish the present. Keeping thinking about what we have done is a torment for us! "

Bess looked at Leona and nodded. "Thank you. Thank you. I, I really didn't expect you to forgive me. This is my phone number. If you have anything urgent, just call me. I will come over at any time! "

After bidding farewell to Bess, Leona came to the school late for her first class. It was the first time she hadn't showed up in a class since college.

But at this moment, she couldn't care less. She hadn't seen York for more than a week, and when she called him, his phone had been switched off. This had never happened before. No matter what, even if he doesn't want to see me anymore, he should at least tell me before he suddenly disappears. '.

And the sudden appearance of her own mother also made her mind more messy. While Leona was lost in various fancies and conjectures, Joyce came from a distance and saw Leona standing in front of her with an upset look. Joyce wiggled and said to Leona in a condescending manner, "what's wrong? You haven't seen York for a long time. Do you miss him so much? "


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