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Matter of Love novel Chapter 18

Hearing the familiar voice on the phone, Leona almost thought it was her illusion. Why did York suddenly call her after disappearing for half a month?

"Hello..." Looking at the phone that had been hung up, Leona frowned. It seemed that this guy was very anxious. What on earth happened?

She dialed the number but nobody answered. It was a public phone number. Leona could only wait at the restaurant's door. Within twenty minutes, York showed up.

The man in front of him was dressed in an expensive Italian handmade suit. His white suit and tall figure made him even more handsome. Leona was even more confused. York didn't even drive his fancy sports car, but took a taxi here.

Before Leona said anything, she saw York get off the taxi. When York saw her, he shouted anxiously, "Leona, get on the car!"

"But my bicycle..." Slowly watching her bicycle, Leona said slowly.

"Leave it alone. You can get in the car first, or it will be too late!" York rushed out of the cab, grabbed Leona's arm and rushed to the cab.

"What happened?" It was not until Leona got in the taxi that she looked at the breathless York. He was in a panic with sweat on his forehead. Leona quickly took out a handkerchief from her pocket and carefully helped him wipe the sweat off his forehead. At the same time, she asked nervously.

"Leona, would you like to go with me? Let's go to a place where no one knows us. From now on, I promise I will love you and take care of you forever! " Regardless of the sweat on his face, York pulled down Leona's little hand that were helping him wipe the sweat, and said affectionately while holding her hand in his.

"What happened? Why did you say that? " Leona asked worriedly as she noticed that York looked weird.

"My family is forcing me to get engaged to Joyce Shen. We'll get married as soon as we graduate from college. Besides, my father applied for us to study abroad and asked me to go with Joyce. You are the only one in my heart. How can I marry her? I have been locked up at home for more than half a month and even my mobile phone has been confiscated. Today is the day of my engagement, so they let me out. I took this opportunity to jump out of the restroom's window. This is the whole story. Are you willing to go with me? I promise I'll be good to you all my life!" York told her what had happened eagerly and briefly.

Leona hesitated. She didn't want to make York against his parents because of her friendship with him. But at the same time, she was moved by the way York looked at her. Leona knew how kind of person York was. He had grown up in a greenhouse. It was not easy for him to abandon everything for her sake?

Seeing that Leona was still hesitating, York simply made her look into his eyes and said affectionately, "if you believe me, I will only be with you in this life. I won't marry any other woman except you. Can you go with me? Are you still willing to stay in this city? We can apply for studying in another place. I won't let you suffer from injustice!"


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