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Matter of Love novel Chapter 27

Leona was so scared but there was nothing she could do.

It was still cold in summer night. Some of Leona's skin exposed to the air made her slightly flesh creep, which made her more charming. On seeing that, Greg thought of something and his face darkened.

Leona cried again, being pressed against the wall and unable to move. Leona had to continue with sobs, "I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Could you please let me go first?"

"Hi, where are you?" Jasmine's voice came from afar. Hearing that, Leona was so scared that she covered her mouth in order not to be heard by Jasmine.

Of course Greg heard it, but he didn't care at all. He didn't worry that Jasmine would see it.

"Please, let go of me first. I will promise you whatever conditions!" But on the other hand, hearing the voice of Jasmine coming closer and closer, Leona became more anxious and urged Greg to release her. Leona voice trembled as she spoke.

Finally, Greg wanted more. Looking up at Leona with an evil smile, she looked like a frightened little rabbit. He took out a gold card from his pocket and handed it to Leona, saying, "Take this card. Tomorrow night at nine o'clock, we'll arrive at room 8008 on the top floor of Glory Hotel. If you dare to stand me up again, I won't let you go easily next time!"

"I, I know, please get out of here!" Leona grabbed the gold card from his hand and yanked at her messed clothes, rushing Greg nervously.

"Are you driving me away?" Said Greg raising his eyebrows. He hated it the most when others spoke to him in a commanding tone, especially this woman, who was not qualified to do so. She was just like a toy to him.

Hearing that, Leona was frightened and saw the angry expression on Greg's face. She immediately shook her head and stammered, "No, I didn't mean that. I, I'm going back first!" When Leona heard the footsteps from afar and closer, she ran to her room!

At this time, Jasmine was approaching to Greg. A figure flashed in the distance, but she didn't see it clearly. It was late in the night, and there was only a short while when the lights in Leona's room were on. A suspicion rose in Jasmine's heart. 'Was Leona with Greg just now?'

This was what Jasmine worried most and she had always been jealous of Leona. Leona was popular among boys. Many boys had fallen in love with her since she went to the kindergarten. There had been an endless stream of pursuers for these years.

Although Jasmine disliked Lola from the bottom of her heart, she also knew that men liked Leona's watery eyes. What Jasmine worried most was that Greg might fall in love with Leona.

Then Jasmine tried to ask, "who were you talking to just now?"


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