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Matter of Love novel Chapter 28

With dark circles around her eyes, Leona also had barely slept last night. Yesterday, she put the bicycle outside the fast food restaurant. Therefore, she had to go out early today.

As soon as Leona came out, she saw her mother-in-law Jasmine walking towards her. Leona was stunned and instantly placed her hands on the silk scarf around her neck. There was the trace that was left by Greg last night. Although it had been covered by a silk scarf, Leona still felt a little guilty. After all, Jasmine was his girlfriend.

With a guilty conscience, Leona lowered her head and unconsciously touched the silk scarf on her neck, fearing that Jasmine would see the trace of a kiss on her neck. With an unnatural look on her face, Leona asked, "Sister, why are you here?"

Although Leona tried her best to cover the hickey on her neck, it was still not hidden under her ear. It was a red mark that was just seen by Jasmine. Looking at the slightly swollen mouth of Leona, Jasmine's heart sank. Was there really something happened between Leona and Greg?

Scenes of last night constantly flashed through Jasmine's mind, but Jasmine did not see clearly whether it was Leona last night or not. Therefore, Jasmine decided to test it. Taking a step forward, Jasmine grabbed Leona's hand and asked, "Leona, how have you been recently? Do you have a boyfriend? "

As Jasmine spoke, she kept an eye on Leona to see how Leona would react.

Upon hearing her words, Leona blushed and instantly thought of York. Although she had not officially agreed to be in a relationship with him, it was still quite normal for her to say that he was her boyfriend.

Looking at Leona's blushing face, Jasmine knew her guess was right. She asked tentatively again, "is it from your school?" After getting along with Leona for so many years, Jasmine had a pretty good understanding of Leona. She could feel if Leona was telling a lie.

Of course, Leona didn't know what was on Jasmine mind. Leona thought that her sister was just simply concerned about her. Thinking about what happened between herself and Greg, Leona felt even more guilty to Jasmine and nodded slightly.

Seeing that, Jasmine could not help but feel relieved. Jasmine knew that Leona would not lie to her. It seemed that she had thought too much. Jasmine exhaled lightly. Since things had been clear, she did not want to continue to stay here.

Looking at Leona who was looking down at the table, Jasmine felt disgusted. Yet she still said with concern, "if so, do you want to go out? If you have something to deal with, you can leave now!"

With a nod, Leona left the Ling family's residence and came to a fast food restaurant working. Leona had already forgotten the threat that Greg posed to her before. She had finished the work in the fast food restaurant and returned to the bar. When she finally finished the work in the bar, it was already 12 o'clock in the midnight. Wearing a tired body, Leona rode a bicycle to home.

It was late night when the businesses finally came to an end. Greg loosened his tie and looked at Judith on his wrist. Then he remembered that he had asked Leona to go to the Emgrand Hotel at nine o'clock.

Emgrand Hotel was also an property of Wei International Trade Company. As for 888 room, it was a presidential suite that has been prepared for Greg. He could live in it at any time. Greg seldom went there. He had many houses in C City, so he didn't have to live there at night.

The reason why he asked Leona to wait at the hotel was to humiliate her. He picked up the car key and drove to the Emgrand Hotel. As a matter of fact, Greg thought that after being through what happened the last two times, Leona didn't dare to disobey him, so she must have been waiting for him in the Emgrand Hotel.


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