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Matter of Love novel Chapter 4

The next day, Leona got up early and helped Nancy make breakfast as the sun rose. In the eyes of the Ling couple, if Leona wanted to stay in this house, she had to work hard and she'd better no to let them see it. However, Leona didn't care much about that. She had been accustomed to helping Nancy cook for many years. After a quick bite, she launched a bicycle to run towards the school.

"Lady rosy, you don't have to get up so early every morning to help me cook. I haven't told the master and ladyship that I will keep the secret!" Nancy looked at Leona with concern. In her eyes, Leona was just a little girl who should act like a spoiled child in her mother's arms. Nancy had watched Leona grow up and witnessed how much injustice Leona had suffered in this family, which made her heart ache.

"It doesn't matter, Nancy. Anyway, I have to learn these sooner or later, lest there is no place for me to learn when I want to learn in the future. And please don't call me Miss Leona from now on. Just call me Leona. " As the second daughter of the Ling family, Leona had never treated herself as the second daughter. She felt very uncomfortable when she heard Nancy call her in this way.

"Yes, yes, you're right. I won't next time!" Although Nancy promised Leona every time, she never acted in this way. In her eyes, if she didn't call Leona Miss Leona, Leona was really becoming a servant of the Ling family. Only this title could prove her identity.

When she rode a bicycle, she got to the school straight. After parking her bicycle, she walked quickly towards the direction of the classroom. Suddenly two ruffians in T-shirts and jeans stood in front of her, blocking her way. One of them was chewing gum. Leona recognized that they were also students in the school. One was called Renzo, and the other was called Dillon. The two boys were notorious rascals in the school, who often fought against others and never did what a student should do. They had already been punished by the school once. Leona didn't expect that they would block her way today.

"Leona, how about making a friend with me? Do you know how hard it is for you to go to school every day riding a bicycle? You don't need to work as long as you become my girlfriend. I will drive to pick you up to school every day. You don't need to do part-time jobs. I will support you." Renzo stretched out his arms to hold Leona's shoulder, while Dillon walked behind her to block her way.

Now Leona was sandwiched between Renzo and Dillon, at a loss for what to do. Although a lot of boys had been very attentive to her since her childhood, and some even followed her after school secretly. However, Leona had never experienced such a situation today. With her heart pounding, she tried to avoid the claws of Renzo who stretched to Leona, but a hand behind her had already grabbed her body.

Leona was so frightened that her face turned red. She struggled to get rid of the two guys while shouting, "go away! I don't know you at all! Let me go! Or I will scream!"

"My little beauty, didn't I just tell you to call me ''Renzo" just now? Now that we know each other, this is the back door of the school. Except you, very few people pass here. Even if you shout yourself hoarse, it is useless. Just stay with me! " With that, Renzo grabbed Leona with his hands again.

"You, you bad man, let go of me Help! "Cried Leona. She was so scared that tears ran down her cheeks. Now that the man behind her had placed his hand on her, she screamed and instinctively scratched back with one hand. With a sudden scratch in Dillon's cheek, blood immediately oozed out.


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