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Matter of Love novel Chapter 5

"Yes, you are right. We will never dare to do it again !" Renzo and Dillon hurriedly ran away.

York turned around and walked up to Leona. Stroking her hair, he looked at the red and swollen face and the wounds on her arm and said, "those two bastards deserve more punches. Come on. I'll take you to the infirmary to apply medicine."

"No, it's okay. The class is about to begin..." Leona's weak voice came from behind. But York didn't listen to it. York took Leona's arm and pulled her to the infirmary.

York was cursing Samuel in his heart as he took Leona by the hand. Especially when he saw the wounds on Leona's face, he gritted his teeth with hatred. It must be planned by that annoying man. It turned out that his best friend Samuel, who had grown up together with him, told York mysteriously that York needed to go to the back door of the school as soon as York arrived at the school this morning.

When York asked him what had happened, Samuel just looked at him with a wicked smile and said, "You will know as long as you go. Don't blame me for not reminding you. This is your best chance. If you miss it, I can't help you any more!"

At that time, a bad premonition arose in York's heart. His father and Samuel's father were business friends, and the two families were very close. He and Samuel had been good friends since childhood. In fact, York knew Samuel very well and knew he was good at hitting on girls. He was known for being fast in changing girlfriends. He usually dated with this girl this week and dumped her the next week. According to him, their love could last only for a week.

Now Samuel said these words inexplicably. With years of understanding of Samuel, York was sure that there was something strange about him. As expected, when York arrived here, he happened to see Leona running in a hurry. He immediately realized that it must be Samuel who had planned the whole thing. But Samuel had gone too far on this plan. How could he hurt Leona?

However, there was a trace of gratitude in the heart of York. If it weren't for Samuel, how could he be able to hold Leona's hand? To be honest, York did not agree with Samuel's behavior. Although Samuel successfully narrowed the distance between him and Leona, York still wanted to pursuit her in an open and aboveboard way. York could not accept this kind of dirty tricks. He would warn Samuel that he couldn't do it again.

After addressing the wound on Leona's body in the infirmary, York was afraid that she would have any further infection and forced her to have an intravenous drip to eliminate inflammation. In order to wait for her finishing the drip, York simply did not go to school and sat on the edge of the bed to watch her.

"York, you really don't have to do this. It's only a small wound. I really don't mind!" Leona had suffered a lot from serious injuries like this ever since she was a child. She was used to those minor injuries that Cynthia did to her from time to time. She would be fine after applying some bandages.

"How can I just leave? If it is infected, there will be inflammation. I don't mind being here. If you are bored, you can sleep for a while. I will stay here to watch the infusion. And don't call me senior any more. We are closer than that. Just call me York! " Said York, looking at Leona gently.


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