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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 15


When we reach the floor where Kai's bedroom is, he leads me to the room across from his, telling me he'll be across the hall if I need anything then leaves me standing in the room alone and confused.

Lifting the red jumper over my head, I toss it to the floor as I wander over to two doors beside the balcony, switching on the lights in both to find the white marble room I was looking for.

Padding across the bathroom, I bend over to fill the bath, dumping way more soap into the water than necessary. As the giant tub that's nearly identical to Kai's in everything but colour fills, I close the bathroom door, flicking the lock just in case Josephine wanted to try give me a goodbye.

After nearly an hour in the bath, the water gets cold so I allow it to drain from the tub while I step out of it, humming while wrapping a towel around my body and exiting the bathroom that now smelled just as strongly as lavender as I did.

As I enter the room I'd be sleeping in, I pause mid step when I see Olive sitting on my bed with a tear stained face. I show no emotion on my face while waiting for her to speak first, not knowing what way she would be towards me now after everything with her sister.

She gives me a sad smile, that relaxes me slightly. " I just wanted to came to say how sorry I am about my sister, what she did... There are no words for how messed up that was. I also wanted to make sure you knew, how grateful I am that you helped me get away from those hunters. "

" Oh.. I'm sorry about your sister too. " I mumble, unsure what what else to say on the matter.

" Well how about I try in some way to apologise on her behalf and take you shopping tomorrow evening when the sun starts to go down? " she offers kindly.

" That would be lovely, considering all I have right now to wear are Kai's clothes. " I give her an awkward smile.

" Kai? " She furrows her eyebrows for a brief moment before she realises. " Oh Mal, right. " she laughs.

We both stare at each other awkwardly for a couple of seconds before she stands. " I'll let you get out of that towel, I'll see you tomorrow. "

She closes the double doors behind her softly, they shut with a click and when they do I drop my towel to the floor grabbing the jumper that I'd tossed on the floor earlier and pull it over my head before crawling into the bed and under the sheets, I lean over and switch off the lights over the bed, closing my eyes in an attempt to sleep.

I'm unsure how long tossing and turning passes before I huff, laying on my back staring at the posts on the bed frame. I can smell Kai's scent from in here, making me restless and disappointed that he's not in bed with me. I consider going over to his room but I talk myself out of it realising that he probably wouldn't have given me this room if he wanted me to stay in his.

Another huff escapes me as I turn onto my side, facing the balcony that was now covered by dark blue curtains that matched the little flowers on the bedsheets. I close my eyes, trying again to force myself asleep but they flick open when I hear the soft click of the bedroom door opening.

Malakai's scent overwhelms my senses as he crawls into the bed, he gets under the blanket then moves over so the front of his body is perfectly aligned with mine and he snakes his arm around my waist. He pushes the fabric of his jumper up so he can rest his palm flat on my lower stomach.

" Can't sleep? " He whispers into my ear, laying a soft kiss behind it.

A smile takes over my face. " I'll be able to now you're here. " I whisper back.

" Are you sure about that? " I can feel his smirk against my neck as he pushes his body closer to mine, intertwining his bare legs with mine.


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