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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 16


As I stare up at Kai, his eyes flicker back and forth between blue and black as he battles with himself for control. In my mind I too go back and forth, unsure of what to do, I want him, but I'm unsure if this is too quick, it's definitely too quick.

" I don't want to rush things between us Kai, I want to spend more time with you before I give all of me to you. " I admit.

He nods his head while he goes to move off of me, I snake my hands around his neck to keep him where he is. " That doesn't mean, I don't want you to claim me. I want to bear your mark. " I whisper, brushing my lips against his.

It only takes seconds before his mouth is back on mine, he rolls us over so that I am on top straddling his waist. He starts to sit up, bringing me with him, our lips still connected. I tangle my fingers in his hair, tugging softly when he guides me to move my hips against him, we both moan into each other's mouths as I get a rhythm grinding against him.

" Make me yours. " I beg.

He grips the collar of his jumper, tearing it apart making it off of my body easily. He trails kisses down my neck to where my shoulder begins, he pulls back only slightly to look up at me with his black vein covered eyes and extended fangs before he bites into me, claiming me, I gasp loudly screwing my eyes shut. He hums in pleasure as my blood bursts into his mouth, he feeds from me for a moment then pulls back, when he does blood drips down past my collar bone.

My head falls back at the feeling of his tongue trailing along my skin where my blood has fallen and then across my mark, I feel my eyes glowing and my canines elongate as he does. I tug his hair to move his head away from my neck and give me access to his, I don't hesitate to bite into his flesh.

His hands wrap around me, he digs his fingertips into my back as he pants in pleasure. I slide my tongue across his mark, cleaning any of his sweet blood away. I pull back from his neck and connect my lips to his once again, he falls back on the bed. Moving down his body, I stay on top of him with my head on his chest and my legs stretched out beside his with my eyes closed. Instantly I find myself drifting asleep.

A cry of pain comes from beneath me, making my eyes snap open. I look at my mate who's face looks as though someone through a cup of acid on it, I quickly climb off him about to ask him what is wrong but before I can he's across the room shutting a gap in the blind where the sun is coming through.

Then I realise. Vampire's can't be out in sunlight. " Oh god, I'm so sorry, I should have shut them properly. How badly are you hurt? " I panic, clambering off the bed across the room to him.

When he turns around his face is quickly healing, he takes my face in his hands. " It's okay my darling, you didn't know. " he pecks my lips, then leads me back over to the bed. " Come, we should go back to sleep. You've only gotten roughly three hours. "

" The sun thing... Does it bother you? " I question when we're back under the covers, wrapped up in each other.

" If I'm honest, yes. I don't even know what it's like to be able to enjoy the sun. " He tells me.

" Well.. Surely when you were human you knew. " I comment.


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