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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 17


Olive and I had spent hours walking around the massive shopping centre until it was time for it to close, buying a whole closet of clothing that I was in huge need of, throughout our shopping trip we'd become less awkward and once that happened, we realised her and I got along extremely well.

Laughing at something Olive had said, I exit the car to find Malakai standing at the front door of his mansion, at first patiently waiting for me but when he sees Olive and I struggling to unload the endless amounts of shopping bags from the trunk and backseat of the car, he comes over to help us.

The three of us manage to get everything into the room that had been assigned to me in one trip, which was surprising considering Olive and I ended up having to ask for help from two human boys who worked in one of the stores.

After Olive announcing we should hang out again, she gives me a hug and exits the room, leaving my mate and I alone together. Malakai strides toward me, pulling me into his arms, he breathes me in then lays a soft kiss on my temple.

" I've missed you. " He mumbles.

" I was only gone a few hours. " I chuckle. " I've missed you too though. "

Pulling away from him, I start making trips back and forth from the closet, unloading all of my new things while he sit on the bed watching me. I bite my lip as I set a pair of jeans on one of the shelves.

" So I was thinking about something. " I call out to him.

Staying in the closet, I wait for him to rely but when I turn my head he's leaning against the doorframe. He nods his head, urging me to continue, so I do. " Well you can't go out in the sun right? But what I was thinking was... Couldn't you ask a witch for help? Surely there's some kind of loophole. "

He hums, suddenly looking awfully thoughtful. " Interesting. What made you think of that? "

The truth to that question was that I'd been pondering it since he told me that he'd never once been out in the sun before, I wanted to help him, I'm sure I could help him, but then he'd learn about my gifts and I'm just not ready for that yet. I shrug my shoulders at him as a response.

" I'm sure there probably is a loophole, as you've called it, but unfortunately my darling I don't know any witches and witches tend to deeply dislike my kind, meaning it's unlikely I'll ever know one. " He explains. " Thank you though. "

" For what? " I question, my eyebrows furrowed.

" For being thoughtful enough to try think of a way for me to walk in the sun. " He smiles, grabbing my hand and bringing it to his lips for a moment. " Now let me help you put all theses clothes away. "

The two of us silently fill the closet with everything I'd bought, my thoughts race as I attempt to figure out how I could help my mate. When the two of us are in bed, cuddling I finally decide to continue the conversation.

" You know... I know a witch or two. " I confess, lifting my head from his chest to look up at him.


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