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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 105

The small space between them seemed to be calling to me. I padded toward the center of the foot of the bed and slowly crawled over the comforter that was piled there. I could feel their body heat from here and their combined scents of citrus and cinnamon is heavenly and my pulse instantly slows, like my body knows I’m Safe. I move all the way up to the pillows and lay down on my side, facing Cam.

I take another deep breath in and my eyelids droop. At the same time, both Cam and Kota shift. Kota, against my back and he wraps his arm over my stomach and buries his nose in my hair. Cam turns to face me, glides his hand down my side and rests his large hand on my hip with his fingers extending toward my butt. His head leans towards me, lips grazing my forehead. That’s the last thing I remember before I am dead to the world.

“WHERE IS SHE! IF SHE LEFT WITHOUT US I AM REALLY GOING TO KILL HER!” The door to the room banged open and my eyes flew open and took a sharp quick breath in, but I couldn't move anything.

What? Where am I? I took another deep breath and tried to look around. Then the familiar scent settled in and I remembered, I crawled in bed with the twins

when I couldn’t sleep last night. Oh jeez, I crawled in bed with the twins! What was I thinking? Before I could move or say anything, a gravelly voice spoke up.

“Are you sure you looked everywhere for her?” Cam asks from in front of me. His breath fanning over the top of my head and moved the baby hairs slightly.

I can hear footsteps pacing the room. “Yes. Her room is empty, she’s not downstairs in the kitchen or in the Luna’s office. We told her not to go without us, it’s 8, where else would she be if she didn’t leave?” I flinched hearing the time, I never sleep this late. How did I manage that? I think, starting to get uncomfortable at how close and intimate this feels.

Hands flexed on my hip and on my stomach. I stopped moving.


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