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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 108

Chapter 0108

“Now that you are all in your groups” Warrior Nickloas calls out, “We will send you to your designated area. Once there we will pair you at random to spare one on one, two on one and wolf to human. Listen for instructions, the pace will go quickly. You will be ranked on many different aspects, but most of all your ability to not get submitted by your opponent. From there we will combine the groups, put you in order of rank and spar again, once that round is complete we will make our first round of cuts, then the gauntlet. Alright, let’s go.”

A hand shoots up from the crowd over in the 20-30 year old group. “When will we break for meals during all of this?” A high male voice asks and I have to fight an eye roll.

“You won't, this is not a leisure training, you are about to fight for your life. If you are not prepared to do that, the gate to the spectators is that way.”

Warrior Nickolas turns and walks away without another word or to see if Wimpy sticks around or not.

A low murmur comes over all the contestants. I figured as much, you don’t get breaks and days off as

an Elite Warrior. This is what he meant by packs sending whoever and them not even being ready to train.

We all file to our respective designated areas. The crowd is loud and someone has clearly fired them up.


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