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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 115

Chapter 0115

“I’m not sure what you mean, honey, but we can do that, I guess.” She's still looking at me funny.

With that I nodded and began to undress, trying to keep my back to them as much as possible, but I won’t have much control when my wolf starts to take over to shift.

My shift was quick, but I didn’t miss the intake of breath before it was complete. I know they saw my back and the ugly scars I get to carry around. I just hope they don’t ask about them later or mention them to anyone. The last thing I need is for them to start asking questions.

“You are beautiful!” The shorter warrior exclaims. “I don’t thinkI have ever seen a pure black wolf before.

It’s so rare to not have any other markings."

I told you we are special. My wolf gloats to me.

Whatever, let's go before they send a search party in here for us.

We trot out and take the position given to us by the warriors who are helping with the trials. We square up to a beautiful brown wolf with red tinting the ends of the fur. As soon as the whistle is blown we are in full focus. Because the fighting was so fierce, the warriors had to jump into the fray to get our attention and then direct us to another opponent.


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