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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 119

Chapter 0119

“So you're telling me, you would know who was standing next to you based on our scent and eye color alone? Even if we were dressed exactly the same?"

Kota asks.

“Yeah, probably.” I shrug.

“Our parents can’t even do that.” Cam says. His tone is strange, like disbelief.

“Okay, you guys are being weird. I’m going to jump in the shower quick and change. Give me five minutes.” I turn around again and head to my room. I can hear them muttering, but I tune it out.

They are being so weird about this whole telling them apart thing. Of course they smell different, they are two separate people. Just like they have different features like eye color and their builds are a bit different, even if it is subtle. Their hair isn’t even cut and styled the same. If people are too dense to notice those kinds of differences and see them as individuals, they don’t deserve to be considered friends.

I get in and out of the shower in record time and notice an outfit placed on my bed. I’m sure Sierra is responsible. Making sure I dress the part of a non- awkward pack member instead of recluse. I had to let out a laugh when I noticed two full outfits as I walked closer to my bed. One is a subtle but statement- making yellow halter dress that is far too short for my comfort level. The other is a pair of dark washed skinny jeans and a white sweater with an off the shoulder cut neckline. It looks amazingly soft and feminine. She at least left a cute lacey bralette. These cute tan ankle boots were left on the floor.

Apparently she thought they went with either outfit.

I obviously chose the jeans. She lost her mind thinking I was going to voluntarily wear a dress toa backyard party. But, I’m sure she knew that and laid the dress out to keep me from complaining about the dressy sweater and heels. It’s sad she knows me so well.

“You ready yet?” The devil herself calls from the door.

“Almost, just need to get dressed and throw my hair up.” I don’t need to do anything fancy, it’s a bunch of warriors, not diplomats from other packs.

“Absolutely not!” She scoffs. “Get dressed, I'm doing your hair.”


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