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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 122

Chapter 0122

“You seem to be the only person aware of those differences though. For example, mom, what color are our eyes?” Kota looks pointedly at Luna Ava.

“You both have that beautiful teal color, why?"

“Sky, tell her what you see.” He looks at me.

Now I’m nervous about being put on the spot. I take my time swallowing the large mouthful of food I just shoved, unladylike, in my face. “To me Cam’s eyes are emerald green and Kota’s are ocean blue. They aren’t the same shade, but I can see how blended they would be a teal color."

‘Now, mom, what is our scent?” Cam asks, in full investigation mode now. It makes us both smile.

She gives me a wink and I know that she is just placating them. “You both smell like the holidays, like citrus and spice. It is actually one of my favorite smells.” She giggles a little and I think they both blush. Interesting.

“Skylar?” He doesn’t even finish the question.

“Cameron is the one who smells like citrus and Dakota smells like cinnamon.” I roll my eyes as I smile at them, using their full names, like they are using mine. “Just to finish my observations, so I can eat, Cam is slightly taller while Dakota is set wider in the shoulders. Their hair is different, even now when they have tried to comb it the same, Dakota’s has more waves and Cam’s is a shade darker. There are a few more subtle differences but you get the idea, they find novelty in the fact that I can tell them apart."


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