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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 14

I didn’t realize how lost in my thoughts I am until Sierra nudged me. “Hey where have you been the last ten minutes?”

I blink trying to shake the memory from my head and wrap it around what I’m about to do. “I don’t know if I can do this.” I finally blurted out. “I wasn’t lying before, I really have no friends and none of the people here like me, or want to interact with me. I should just go, you will have a better time without me.” I go to turn around.

“Not a chance. And you are wrong, you do have a friend, me.” She places her hand dramatically on her chest. “And I would have a terrible time fighting Kaley without you. You deserve to put that b*tch in her place or at least witness someone doing it secretly on your behalf.” She winks at me.

I just raise my eyebrows at her. How did she know Kaley was my problem? Not even Kyle has figured it out and he knows most of the stuff she’s done to me.

“Uh, I don’t know what you –.”

“Mean? Really you’re going to try and lie to me? You don’t have to confirm it out loud, but I already told you I am an excellent judge of character, and she is a social climbing wannabe who couldn’t fight her way out of a paper bag, with a map and GPS. I could give two sh*ts about her pretend status and influence. I’m an exchange student only here for a year. What is she going to do, get me expelled? I’d like to see her try. Technically speaking, I'm the Alpha King's Gamma's only child, no one here but the Alpha outranks me, she can kiss my ass.”


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