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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 154

Chapter 0154

“Sam told them that Sierra and I were evaluating their performances during patrols and they came to ask for help. I guess they are worried about failing if Kaley’s dad can't rig anything in their favor. They’ve probably never had to truly work for something before” I shrug, turning to put my book back in my bag.

“Huh. You need to eat something, you are not gaining weight fast enough and you are tiny enough as it is."

He slides a tray with a sandwich, chips, veggies, fruit and water on it towards me, then turns and just leaves.

I just blink and take another deep breath and try to remember that he is taking care of me in his own caveman way. It’s a sign of him trying to mend fences that he came over in the first place and as much as I want to throw it away to show 1 am still angry with them and I don’t want to prove he is right.

But I am hungry and the doc said I wasn’t eating enough for my activity level, so I eat everything, quickly, then get up to throw my stuff out and head to our next class without a backward glance. The presence of six bodies behind me tells me I have a full escort this time.

The next couple days are more of the same mundane routine, but I really don’t mind routine. Sometimes with all the chaos, having expected things happen the way they are supposed to is calming and reassuring.

Marnie took my advice and while she wasn’t any better, she wasn't as big of a pain as she was on day one and she seems to be really trying. Sierra said something similar about Jeanie Friday morning.

“So after training tomorrow morning we are getting ready in the Luna's suite for the mating ball. You have zero choices in this matter and I don’t want to hear about it. We also have to be ready by 7pm because Martha wants to see us at the diner first before we head over to the ball.” Sierra looks over at me like I might explode at her for telling me what our plans are for this stupid dance. The casual way she just throws more things we have to do before actually attending the ball is wearing my nerves though. She has talked of nothing else all day and I don’t think we have discussed the same thing about the ball twice as we walk between classes. I am also doing the mental math and do not understand the amount of time she has allotted to get ready either.


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