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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 172

Chapter 0172
We walk past a few doors in the gray and white hallway. Stopping at a room near the middle. Osiston opens the door and motions for me to enter.

"Everything has been provided for you, since none of your personal effects were brought from your pack If there is anything that you need please let your floor leader know and she will make sure that you get everything that might be missing. We will introduce you to her a little later, she's out on a training mission now.

My room is about as I expected from what I've seen in the pack so far. The walls are bright white the trim is black which I did not know that I would like but it actually suits the room very well_ The bed is a queen size bed with very comfortable light blue linens and comforter.

There's a desk in the corner that has a stack of books and supplies that I assume are for school, and a door to either the bathroom or closet but I'm not really sure yet. It's elegant, but simple. Only practical things are here, but what is here is top of the line and designed for comfort.

"You will share a bathroom with the rest of your floor mates." It's like he can read my mind. "There are shower stalls and toilets and all of those amenities there. We have Omegas who come in and clean every single day. Please be respectful with all of your belongings and help them take care of the space. They are here to make sure the Compound is well kept, not to clean up after sloppywarriors. You aren't assigned a time for hygiene, but there are a lot of you, so keep that in mind and be respectful of your floor mates.
"Yes sir."
"All right Skyler, grab a seat. Alpha Reggie motions toward my bed and I sit on the cushy comforter. "1 know you've been talking to Warrior Osiston over the last few weeks and you 've given very little details about what happened in your attack. But, I need you to be straight with me. Alpha Reggie towers over me, this must be an interrogation tactic.

"There are too many things that are very similar between your attack and the threat that came across to Luna Queen Anne and Luna Ava for it to be a coincidence. Is there anything else that you or your wolf can remember about that night or that situation? Any little detail will be helpful.

We are still investigating that breach and have corne up with nothing. and I'm afraid the Rogues are getting more and more bold with their statements to most packs in our kingdom and trying to harm our pack way of life. They may be getting more bold thinking they can get away with their actions and these two incidents are proof of that.

Usually there is some form of demand that is made, but we haven 't heard anything.
"No sir, I'm sorry, I don't remember anything and my wolf doesn't remember anything after they came into the room.


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