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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 176

Chapter 0176

He turns and continues walking across the training grounds toward the hedge he pointed out at that weight area.

I let out a sigh.

That really wasn't helpful information and yet the most fatherly ‘don't care what others think’ advice I’ve ever gotten.

Now, that’s not going to stop me from looking over my shoulder to see who's staring at the freak.

I keep following silently behind him, not wanting to miss anything.

“Also, in two weeks, Queen Luna Anne has requested your presence at the castle.

You have been excused from training that day to prepare and she will send over your wardrobe."

“Wait, What?” He just threw that out like he was telling me the grass was green.

“You said ‘requested’, but it sounds like I don’t get a choice in going.” I laugh a little.

“Do you know what she wants with me?"

“I was not given that information.

I was just told to let you know you will be spending most of the day and evening with her."

I nod wondering if she wants to check up on me for Luna Ava.

I hope being excused from training for the Luna Queen or the Alpha King is a thing that regularly happens around here.

I don’t need another reason for the rest of the warriors to look at me like a freak.

And why in the hell do I need a ‘wardrobe’? Is there a dress code for being in the castle? Ugh, too many questions.

“This is our weight center.

As I said you will get your schedule by the end of the night.

We have all of our warriors staggered around the grounds during training, this allows us to constantly evaluate skills in asmaller, more concentrated group.

Your groups will rotate as well so you don’t get comfortable with certain people.

We want you to be versatile and able to join any warrior group for any type of mission.

You will eventually have specialties that you will focus on as you move up through the program and you will notice some of our seasoned warriors are more focused in their skills.

We have recon teams, extraction teams, computer and tech specialists, and weapons experts on top of our very skilled fighters.

You can start to specialize once we have turned you into an amazing warrior."

I just keep nodding, this is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.


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