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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 178

Chapter 0178

“Not terrible.” A brunette woman standing next to Warrior Osiston says.

“At least you didn’t die or throw -up newbie."

I hobble over to them looking at Warrior Osiston for feedback on how I did.

The soreness is settling into my body now that the adrenaline is draining.

The only thing he says is, “I can work with that.” As he writes some notes on a clipboard that I have no idea where it came from. He didn't have it on our tour.

Still not looking at either of us, he starts talking to his clipboard, “Skylar, this is Audrina, your floor leader.

Anything you need, go to her and she will get it sorted out for you."

I nod at him, still waiting for any kind of corrections or things to improve on, but I don’t think he is going to say anything unless I ask and I don’t know if I am allowed.

He’s let me be fairly open with all of my questions, but in front of one of the leaders here on the compound I don’t know if that’s acceptable.

Those are the kind of mistakes I don’t want to make.

I don’t want to look insubordinate to Audrina, who will be my superior for the foreseeable future.

But, the thought of getting no information on how I really did is eating me alive.

I take a deep breath and let out a little sigh.

“Warrior Osiston, what can I do better on the course?

What are my goals and objectives? I need something to work towards, but I’m not sure where I can improve if I don’t know what to fix.” I’m looking straight at him, but I don’t miss the audible sharp intake of breath from Audrina.

“All good questions Little One.” Audrina’s head snaps to him, but I don’t change my focus.

“This time I just wanted to see if you could complete the course.


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